August 2021 ~ DIỄN ĐÀN RAO VẶT

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Cách khắc phục hiện tượng xâm thực máy bơm

Đây là hiện tượng thường gặp và dễ gặp ở các dòng máy bơm Chính vì lí do đó cần khắc phục và tìm Chỉ dẫn khắc phục nhanh chóng nếu như gặp phải.
Công ty Vimex chuyên cung cấp các dòng bơm công nghiệp, nếu quan tâm bạn có thể tìm hiểu thêm về máy bơm hóa chất thùng phuy. Cam kết giá tốt, giao hàng tận nơi, sản phẩm chính hãng
Hiện tượng xâm thực máy bơm thường xảy ra ở toàn bộ một số mẫu máy bơm nếu người sử dụng sử dụng máy bơm ko chuẩn xác Hướng dẫn , lắp đặt máy bơm ko chuẩn xác Bí quyết hoặc không bảo hành , vệ sinh máy bơm chu kỳ .
Máy bơm nước là thiết bị dùng để chuyển chất lỏng (nước hoặc hóa chất) hoặc khí từ nơi có áp suất thấp hơn đến nơi có áp suất cao hơn.
Chúng ta cùng kiếm tìm về hiện tượng xâm thực máy bơm và Cách khắc phục trong chủ đề này nhé!
[Image: xam-thuc-la-gi-1.jpg?v=1570588181746]
Hiện tượng xâm thực máy bơm
đó là hiện tượng thường gặp và dễ gặp nhất trong những lỗi máy bơm có khả năng gặp trên thị trường hiện nay. Lỗi này cũng ko khó khắc phục Tuy nhiên người dùng nê biết Cách giảm thiểu phòng ngừa ngay từ đầu để tiết kiệm phí tổn
điểm nhận biết của Hiện tượng xâm thực máy bơm là đường ống có bọt khí, máy bơm sử dụng có tiếng ồn, có rung lắc mạnh, năng suất bơm giảm.
lúc diễn ra hiện tượng xâm thực dữ dội sẽ làm giảm cột áp và hiệu suất của máy bơm nước. Để khai thác bơm được lâu năm cần phải đưa ra một vài điều kiện để loại bỏ hiện tượng xâm thực.
Tác hại của Hiện tượng xâm thực máy bơm là khiến máy bơm nhanh hư hỏng, thân bơm bị ăn mòn, máy bơm bị giảm hiệu suất cung cấp , nhanh hư hỏng hơn và giảm tuổi thọ nhanh chóng .
Nếu có nhu cầu tìm hiểu thêm về bơm thùng phuy chạy điện, mời bạn theo click vào bài viết.
khi có dấu hiệu Hiện tượng xâm thực máy bơm cần khắc phục mau lẹ kịp thời nhằm giảm thiểu vài hư hại do hiện tượng này gây , đặc biệt nếu như ko biết Cách tự khắc phục có thể nhờ đến 1 vài công ty kỹ thuật y tín thị trường
Để cam kết điều đấy thì áp suất trên cửa vào của bánh công tác phải cao hơn giá trị áp suất mà tại đấy chất lỏng có thể sôi. Để phòng ngừa sự sụt cột áp do hiện tượng xâm thực dẫn đến thì bơm cần có một lượng dự trữ cột áp Dh.
Mẹo khắc phục máy bơm nước bị xâm thực đơn giản nhất và tiết kiệm phí tổn
Để tăng cường chất lượng chống xâm thực nhằm tăng cường chiều cao hút của máy bơm nước cần phải thực hiện 1 số yêu cầu sau
1 số mép cánh dẫn ở lối vào phải vê tròn và dát mỏng, phần lối dẫn vào bánh công tác phải đc làm nhẵn bóng và có hình dạng thích hợp.
Giải pháp kỹ thuật mới làm giảm ảnh hưởng xâm thực trong van của hãng ERHARD (Đức) Xâm thực là nguyên nhân quan trọng làm cho van hỏng rất mau chóng .
mọi chi tiết vinh dự liên lạc ngay Vimex 0989775196 để đc tham mưu hỗ trợ tất cả vấn đề nhé.
Ngoài ra, Vinmex cũng cung cấp thông tin về bơm định lượng Chemtech
vui lòng phục vụ quý khách hàng!
Dien Dan Rao Vat

A Guide on Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) has always been a little confusing to performance coaches and sports medicine professionals because the research is cloudy at best. Many of the reasons behind the limitations of science are the ethical boundaries you need to navigate, and the expectations you have with the results of those studies. I recently spent more time working with EMS, as more and more athletes are using EMS devices on their own and we are dealing with the hangover of injuries still lingering in the off-season. What I have learned is that the science is not perfect and there are no best practices.

There has been a resurgence in EMS in sport over the last five years because of Bill Knowles, Derek Hansen, and Henk Kraaijenhof sharing their experiences with athletes. I believe that EMS suit inluding electrostimulation vest has a place in sports performance and the rehabilitation of athletes, but we don’t have a solid explanation of why some athletes don’t respond to it while others seem to come alive from it. In this first piece, I will review some of the current literature on EMS and present a healthy perspective on this modality. (Part 2 will be published as “The Top 6 EMS Protocols for Sports Performance.”)

A Brief History of Electrical Muscle Stimulation in Modern Sport

Without getting into any unnecessary background on electrotherapy (such as a retelling of the way the ancient civilizations used electric fish or citing references to Volta and Galvani), it’s valuable to know how e-stim or EMS has been part of sport in the last few decades. Outside of product design, very little innovation has occurred since the 1950s, making EMS more of an art than a science. Coaches and therapists are sometimes frustrated because transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, or TENS for short, gets confused with sports electrostimulation.

To understand the difference between TENS and EMS, you need to know just a little bit about engineering and biology. TENS targets the sensory nerves, while EMS attacks the motor nerve and attempts to recruit as many muscle fibers as possible. TENS is currently used—mainly in vain, in my opinion—to manage pain. In 1965, Ronald Melzack and Patrick Wall proposed the “gate control theory” of pain. What we know about the pain experience is extremely complex and personal, making the TENS intervention for sport very dated and extremely limited for athletes. Some research has shown positive findings, but the modality method of working with athletes in pain is lazy and proven unproductive in clinical research.

EMS focuses mainly on sending current to muscle groups in the hope of eliciting either a recovery response or a performance response later. Based on the current literature, recovery indices appear very limited, and performance benefits have shown up enough with some populations—including athletes—to be accepted as valid complementary treatments. The truth is that our understanding of electrostimulation is usually confined to a few studies on stroke victims and post-surgical wasting, and nothing I have seen has excited me.

What interests me, instead, are the clinicians who have used EMS creatively. Some of the studies on cellular and performance outcomes are strong enough to show that EMS isn’t just a placebo. I have used the Compex systems for nearly 20 years, and have some experience with the Marc Pro, PowerDot, Globus, and ARPwave. If I had to conclude which I think works best, it will be a short answer: All of them work, so choose one based on your needs and not its features.

If you were to go to a medical bookstore and check the physical therapy section on EMS, you would see that it tends to be a set of protocols based on pad placement, current settings, and scheduling sessions. This approach is nowhere near the same as what the modern clinician does and, since we are now entering the bionic athlete era with gait retraining, this only widens the gap between practice and research. It’s easy to shout that you’re ahead of the research, but without evidence, much of what clinicians do becomes like the dated RICE protocol that we still see people clinging to.

A Rapid Review of Electricity for Coaches and Therapists

Electric current can flow in different ways, such as through a wire, or something lesser known, such as a plasma state. The current generated from a muscle electrostimulator uses a conductive pad to transfer through the skin, causing the muscle to contract. The specifics of the muscle contraction will come later, but the important information is that electricity from medical muscle stimulators is more complicated than voltage and ampere. Electricity is not just about whether something is “on” or “off,” and we often take much of the technology we use for granted, especially the safety of the muscle stimulators. Most companies that get involved with e-stim devices are regulated, but it’s up to the consumer to do their homework on the quality of the product.

Experienced coaches and therapists commonly refer to stimulation parameters and share their practices, including the use of different types of settings, such as Russian Stimulation or strength protocols. Stimulation parameters and waveforms can be the subject of their own article but, for the most part, duty cycle, frequency, intensity, and ramp details are part of electrotherapy theory, but are not very well-documented. Regardless of the intimate details, many parallels exist between classic training principles and the current clinical practices of EMS use. Cycles, or waves of energy, are part of a “unified training theory” proposed by several coaches and sport scientists. EMS should be used to improve athletes, similarly to loading the body with training or rehabilitation.

Companies must do their job, not only to prove their machines are delivering exactly what they promise, but also to ensure that their products are used as intended. Most companies have terrible product education, and visiting their YouTube channels makes me cringe more than their highest simulator settings.

The Science of Electrical Contractions With Muscle

Sending electricity through a muscle group sounds like a bad science fiction movie, but that’s precisely what athletes are willing to do to get or feel better. It’s a priority to know what EMS can do physiologically and what is likely ineffective. Five years ago, pioneering researcher Nicola Maffiuletti summarized the differences between a normal muscular contraction and one from electrical stimulation in his NSCA journal article. The two types of contractions have similarities and differences that a coach should know. Overall, EMS is not going to make a major difference. However, like all things in sports training, the little things matter.

One development that throws this concept out the window is the rise in functional electrical muscle stimulation, equipped with electrostimulation shorts, which incorporates active training with the simultaneous overlay of EMS. While we can assume that the merging of both contractions will yield a hybrid result, most of the research is with disease models and only clinical rehabilitation has shown merit with this in early post-operation subjects. I have yet to see a single study with elite athletes performing EMS in conjunction with conventional training, but the case reports and work with spinal cord injury patients is promising.

Finally, EMS is used to help with neuromuscular adaptations and, while sessions may prevent atrophy, the improvements are from neural drive-like mechanisms, not from increased protein synthesis rates. EMS doesn’t directly create hypertrophy changes to the muscle, and a study on nutrition and e-stim showed no acute changes.

What is also important to know is that electrically stimulated muscles are, for the most part, superficial, and that is useful for propulsive muscle groups. Some rogue therapists are using fine needle EMS with low current for deeper muscle penetration for rehabilitation purposes. Most EMS experiences are one muscle at a time, but some athletes are getting simultaneous total body sessions. Nobody knows if total bodywork is more time-efficient or if a possible synergistic benefit exists, but down the road, studies will likely discover if there is a value beyond convenience.

The Scientific Benefits of Stimulating the Neuromuscular System

If you were to read a catalog of features and settings for a personal e-stim device, the list would be very long, ranging from relaxation massage all the way to explosive strength. While, technically, different settings will have unique stimulation protocols from the device programming in the electrostimulation center, the reality is that only three purposes exist with EMS and the research is enough to form a realistic expectation. The three EMS benefits are strength training, rehabilitation, and a little regeneration. Distilling the benefits more, you can make an argument that EMS helps with general muscle strength and facilitates low-level recovery for travel. That’s about it, but it’s enough to warrant investing in it, especially when sport moves into the unfortunate health compromise for winning.

Sports Performance

EMS and strength, and the results that may lead to jump and sprint performance, are mixed in the research. However, enough research shows that if EMS is done with specific protocols, a positive result is possible, especially with the less-trained athlete. So far, much of the work has been done with soccer, and some recent investigations of youth jumping performance and plyometrics had favorable outcomes.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Power Banks – What Impact They Have On Your Phone's Battery

Anyone who has a very busy schedule will tell you that a power bank is their lifesaver. A power bank is essentially a portable charger. Power banks are most commonly used to charge cell phones but are often also used to charge laptops, speakers, and various other chargeable devices.

In this age, our cellphones contain our entire lives in it, be it a photographer’s photographs, to an entrepreneur’s documents. When you are on the go at most times, it’s virtually impossible to find wall outlets everywhere to charge your phone if the battery drains. A conventional power bank prevents you from running into a crisis when your phone suddenly turns off when you need it the most.

Keep on reading further for more about power banks, and what impact they have on your phone’s battery.

Types Of Power Banks:

Most of the power banks available in the market consist of two types. One consists of Lithium-ions cells, while the other contains Lithium-Polymer cells.

Lithium-ion cell power banks have a higher energy density and are cheaper than the other. However, power banks containing Lithium-ion cells lose their charging capacity over the duration they are used and are bulkier.

On the other hand, power banks with Lithium-Polymer are expensive, but they are safer, and unlike Lithium-ion, they don’t lose their actual charging capacity with time. They also take less time to charge.

Further, they are divided into three broad categories:

Universal Power Bank

The most common ones, universal power banks come in various sizes and output variations and give the end consumer a wide range to choose the best one according to their requirements.

Solar Charged Power Bank

These solar power bank with cable contains photovoltaic panels which are charged through sunlight. This is then converted and used to charge electronic devices.

Although it’s an environmentally friendly device, it tends to take a lot of time to charge, and that too is limited to availability of enough sunlight.

Battery Phone Case

These are compact and easiest to carry along. However, they have a very low variety available in term of devices.

So the next time you are considering buying a power bank, choose one based on the type which is more suitable for your requirements.

How To Choose The Best Power Bank For Your Phone:

There are some factors to consider before buying a power bank with dale cable, include:


The capacity a power bank should always be more than the capacity your phone requires. For example, a 2200 mAh wouldn’t be able to fully charge a phone with a requirement of 3000 mAh. Likewise, a power bank with 6000 mAh would be able to charge your phone fully two times. Also, there are wireless fast charging power banks.

The Number Of Outputs:

Some power banks have 1 output outlet; some have 2, and so on. Choosing one depends on how many devices you would need to charge at the same time.

Output Specification:

How much output your phone needs should also synchronize with the output the power bank gives out. Ideally, the standard output should be 5V for phones. Any more, and it would damage the phone.

Advantages Of A Power Bank:

The main benefit of power bank is that they are great for charging phones on the go, or when there is no electricity available.

Aside from that, most power banks come with a large capacity, which makes them handy for charging your phone multiple times, without recharging it. And when the battery of the power bank does drain, they can be easily charged through laptops, car chargers, and wall sockets, whichever is more convenient.

Disadvantages Of A Power Bank:

Power banks come with their own share of disadvantages as well. Many of the power banks available are either bulky or expensive. Apart from that, they do require to be charged when their battery drains, and if their capacity is lower, then they drain faster.

They also impact the battery of a phone in some instances, as mentioned below.

Impact On Battery:

While it’s extremely rare for a power bank to damage the battery of a phone, there are some instances where it might happen.  Here are some cases where you might be damaging your phone’s battery with your power bank, and how to fix them:

You Are Using A Bad Quality Power Bank

Quality is very important when choosing a power bank. A bad quality power bank can damage your phone’s battery, as well as your phone’s charging port. It can also create some security risks. For example, overcharging a bad quality Lithium-ion power bank can cause the power bank to explode.

Your Power Bank Has The Wrong Voltage

Having the wrong voltage in your power bank will lead to problems. The ideal voltage to charge a phone is 5V. If any power bank gives a voltage of 4.2V or less, it will drain your battery instead of charging it.

Any voltage output greater than 5V will extensively damage your phone’s circuits by overloading it more than it can handle.

You Are Overcharging:

Power banks should essentially be used sparingly. Using power banks to constantly keep your phone at 100% charge will over time damage the battery, which will lead to your phone not being able to retain its charge for long.

To avoid these problems, avoid using your power bank to overcharge your phone. Use it for emergencies, and even when you do use it avoid charging your phone up to 100%.

Along with that, buy your power banks from authorized retailers, and choose the highest quality of power bank, such as PD fast charging power bank, with the right requirements for your phone. has a wide variety of authentic, high-quality power banks:
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Advantageous characteristics of PVP

PVP-Polyvinylpyrrolidone is a nonionic water-soluble polymer and can be applied in a variety of fields-of-use owing to following advantageous characteristics.

1. Good solubility in water as well as various organic solvents

2. Good affinity to various polymers and resins

3. High hygroscopicity

4. Good film formation property

5. Good adhesiveness to various substrates

6. Good chelate / complex formation property

Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is a water-soluble polymer obtained by polymerization of monomer N-vinylpyrrolidone. PVP is an inert, non-toxic, temperature-resistant, pH-stable, biocompatible, biodegradable polymer that helps to encapsulate and cater both hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs. These advantages enable PVP versatile excipients in the formulation development of broad conventional to novel controlled delivery systems. PVP has tunable properties and can be used as a brace component for gene delivery, orthopedic implants, and tissue engineering applications. Based on different molecular weights and modified forms, PVP can lead to exceptional beneficial features with varying chemical properties. Graft copolymerization and other techniques assist PVP to conjugate with poorly soluble drugs that can inflate bioavailability and even introduces the desired swelling tract for their control or sustained release. The present review provides chemistry, mechanical, physicochemical properties, evaluation parameters, dewy preparation methods of PVP derivatives intended for designing conventional to controlled systems for drug, gene, and cosmetic delivery. The past and growing interest in PVP establishes it as a promising polymer to enhance the trait and performance of current generation pharmaceutical dosage forms. Furthermore, the scrutiny explores existing patents, marketed products, new and futuristic approaches of PVP that have been identified and scope for future development, characterization, and its use. The exploration spotlights the importance and role of PVP in the design of Povidone-iodine (PVP–I) and clinical trials to assess therapeutic efficacy against the COVID-19 in the current pandemic scenario.

PVPP is a synthetic, high-molecular-weight clarifying agent made up of cross-linked monomer of polyvinylpyrrolidone. PVPP has long been used in the beverage industry as a polyphenol adsorbent. Although, it has been called as a “protein-like” fining agent, insoluble PVPP interacts with only few reactive groups. Hence, PVPP is used for binding and removing smaller phenolic compounds such as catechins and anthocyanins, which are responsible for causing browning and bitterness in wines. However, PVPP, along with charcoal and casein, can remove resveratrol, a component that imparts certain health benefits.

Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is a linear polymer of 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone monomers used as a binder, emulsion stabilizer, film former, hair fixative, and suspending agent-nonsurfactant. The molecular weight of the polymer ranges from 10,000 to 700,000. PVP K-30, with an average molecular weight of 40,000, is typically used in cosmetic formulations. The highest concentration reported to be used is 35%. There was no significant absorption of PVP K-30 given orally to rats, and the acute oral LD50 was &t;100 g/kg for rats and guinea pigs. Neither toxic effects nor gross lesions were found in rats maintained for two years on a diet containing 10% PVP K-30. Short-term PVP inhalation studies produced mild lymphoid hyperplasia and fibroplasia in rats, but no inflammatory response. In animal studies, no evidence of significant ocular irritation, skin irritation, or skin sensitization was found at PVP-iodine solution concentrations of 10%. While PVP-iodine is not a cosmetic ingredient, these negative findings were considered to support the safety of the PVP component. Undiluted PVP K-30 was not a dermal irritant or sensitizer in clinical tests. No developmental toxicity was seen in vehicle controls where PVP was used as a vehicle for another agent. In certain assay systems, PVP was genotoxic, but was negative in the majority of studies. Orally administered PVP significantly decreased the rate of bladder tumors in mice exposed to bracken fern. Several studies tested the carcinogenicity of subcutaneous implants of particulate PVP in rats, mice, and rabbits. Although the majority of these studies conducted in rats were positive, tumors (sarcomas) were localized to the site of implantation. Based on the available data, it was concluded that PVP is safe as used in cosmetics.

Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is a linear polymer of 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone monomers used as a binder, emulsion stabilization of suspensions, film former, hair fixative, and suspending agent-nonsurfactant. The molecular weight of the polymer ranges from 10,000 to 700,000. PVP K-30, with an average molecular weight of 40,000, is typically used in cosmetic formulations. The highest concentration reported to be used is 35%. There was no significant absorption of PVP K-30 given orally to rats, and the acute oral LD50 was &t;100 g/kg for rats and guinea pigs. Neither toxic effects nor gross lesions were found in rats maintained for two years on a diet containing 10% PVP K-30. Short-term PVP inhalation studies produced mild lymphoid hyperplasia and fibroplasia in rats, but no inflammatory response. In animal studies, no evidence of significant ocular irritation, skin irritation, or skin sensitization was found at PVP-iodine solution concentrations of 10%. While PVP-iodine is not a cosmetic ingredient, these negative findings were considered to support the safety of the PVP component. Undiluted PVP K-30 was not a dermal irritant or sensitizer in clinical tests. No developmental toxicity was seen in vehicle controls where PVP was used as a vehicle for another agent. In certain assay systems, PVP was genotoxic, but was negative in the majority of studies. Orally administered PVP significantly decreased the rate of bladder tumors in mice exposed to bracken fern. Several studies tested the carcinogenicity of subcutaneous implants of particulate PVP in rats, mice, and rabbits. Although the majority of these studies conducted in rats were positive, tumors (sarcomas) were localized to the site of implantation. Based on the available data, it was concluded that PVP is safe as used in cosmetics.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

The prospect of disposable cornstarch tableware

With the accelerated pace of human life, disposable tableware has gradually entered the fast food business. Since the first use of disposable tableware in China in 1984, foamed plastic tableware with polystyrene (eps) as the main raw material has spread all over the country and entered people&39;s daily life, forming a huge consumer market. According to statistics, at present, China consumes about 10 billion fast food appliances each year, most of which are disposable foam plastic tableware, and grow at a rate of 25% per year.

Due to the non-degradable nature of polystyrene, it is difficult to recycle and other disadvantages, which brings great inconvenience to the processing work.

Currently in the streets and alleys of China&39;s cities, tourist attractions, railways along the rivers and lakes. This kind of discarded disposable tableware can be seen everywhere, which is shocking and causes serious pollution to the environment. This kind of "white pollution" not only increases the labor intensity of sanitation workers, but also brings visual pollution to people. It is increasingly polluting the land resources and water resources that we depend on, and it also brings a lot of people. Inconvenience and harm.

It is gratifying that China has done a lot of work in this area and has achieved great results. With the scientific guidance and strong support of the government, various environmental tableware has emerged. To good social effects.

 The disposable corn starch tableware produced by Hengfeng is a healthy and environmentally friendly tableware, as sugarcane tableware. The corn starch tableware is a biodegradable product. It is made from corn starch as the main raw material and processed by high-tech production process. The natural conditions can be degraded by itself, avoiding the environment. Pollution, saving non-renewable resources such as oil, has been tested by the national authoritative testing department, and all sanitary and physical and chemical indicators have reached national standards. It is an ideal substitute for the “disinfected tableware” that is widely used in the catering market.

Cornstarch tableware is a biodegradable product. It uses corn starch as the main raw material and is processed through high-tech production technology. It can be degraded by itself under natural conditions, avoiding environmental pollution and saving non-renewable resources such as petroleum. According to the inspection by the national authoritative inspection department, all the physical and chemical indicators of hygiene have reached the national standards, and it is an ideal substitute for the disinfection tableware commonly used in the catering market. Corn starch and biodegradable tableware are pollution-free green products for human survival and environmental protection.

Corn starch is made from the polymerization of grape molecules and is the more common storage form of carbohydrates in cells. In addition to food, it is industrially used for the manufacture of dextrin, maltose, glucose, alcohol, etc. It can also be used for conditioning flower pulp, textile sizing, paper sizing, and pharmaceutical tablet compression.

The general formula of corn starch is C6H10O5, and maltose is hydrolyzed to the disaccharide stage. The chemical formula is C12H22O11. After complete hydrolysis, glucose is obtained. The chemical formula is C6H12O6. It is divided into two types: amylose and amylopectin. Blue, amylopectin turns purple when it meets iodine.

Advantages of disposable degradable tableware, such as sugarcane bowl and sugarcane cup:

Pollution-free, because it is refined from corn starch and other environmentally friendly materials, it does not contain any harmful substances to the human body, so it can be used for a long time with confidence.

Zero pollution, the product is buried in the soil, and at a suitable temperature, it can degrade to form carbon dioxide and water after 90 days, without causing pollution to the soil and air.

Save resources, corn starch is a renewable resource that is inexhaustible and inexhaustible, while paper tableware and plastic tableware require a lot of wood and petrochemical products. Using corn starch as raw material can save a lot of petroleum resources and forest resources.

Biodegradable tableware, as the name suggests, are fully compostable and biodegradable; hence, they are widely used globally in order to reduce plastic waste and greenhouse emissions, such as methane emissions. This type of tableware can be made from sugarcane bagasse, bamboo, paper pulp, and other disposable material. These tableware are superior in strength and are environment friendly. Biodegradable tableware includes food containers and tableware such as cornstarch bowls, cornstarch plates, cornstarch cups and meal cornstarch trays, which decompose within 30 to 60 days after being discarded.

Biodegradable corn starch tableware products are to use all tree-free materials, specifically, corn starch, consists of 90% of corn starch. 100% natural and healthy.

Add certain water to corn starch and stir in a mixer machine, then fill certain amount of materials to the pressing machine and prototype by pressing machine, and then coating with waterproof membrane on product inner surface, and packaging after drying.


1.Disposable corn starch tableware is a new type of starch tableware developed by high-tech such as corn starch, tapioca starch, soybean starch, and potato starch, which is harmless to the human body.

2.The starch tableware product, such as cornstarch food containers, is buried in the soil and can degrade to form carbon dioxide and water after 90 days at a suitable temperature without causing pollution to the soil and air.

3.Starch is a renewable resource that is inexhaustible and inexhaustible, while paper tableware and plastic tableware require a small amount of wood and petrochemicals. Using corn starch as a raw material can save a small amount of oil and forest resources.

4.High quality: starch tableware products, such as cornstarch cutlery, have good density, water resistance, oil resistance, anti-soaking, good low temperature and high temperature resistance, suitable for refrigerator freezing, cold storage, fresh food, microwave heating, etc.

5.It is a degradable tableware and degrades even if it is randomly thrown away.

Market Outlook

The biodegradable tableware, such as sugarcane plate, is the eco-friendly tableware that is made from waste materials like sugarcane bagasse, rice husk, coconut coir. The rise in awareness of environmental pollution drives the biodegradable tableware market globally. There is observed to be an increasing number of emerging green businesses globally and as a result, there is an increasing potential for the production of, and the use for biodegradable tableware. The growing awareness regarding the adverse effects of plastic such as on aquatic and aerial creatures are aiding the growth of the market. Biodegradable tableware combines the convenience in the use of disposable plates with the benefit of little to no negative impact on the environment. Increasing economic awareness regarding the use of plastic and other toxic material tableware coupled with rising investment in research and development of compostable materials is encouraging the growth of the market. The Global Biodegradable Tableware Market was valued at USD 2,754.9 Million in 2018 and is projected to reach USD 4,355.1 Million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 6.01% from 2019 to 2026.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Choosing the Right Boxes for Storage and Organizing

We need a variety of boxes when we’re relocating for ease of transportation and protection of our belongings. These moving boxes are meant to be temporary and are commonly made from cardboard.

Cardboard moving boxes should be used for their primary objective – moving. But it’s not unusual to store items long term in these inexpensive boxes. The misconception stems from the idea: pack it once, decide if you need the item right away, and if not, put the box in storage, wherever that might be – garage, attic, basement, shed, or off-site storage.

Sometimes it’s better to take the time to unpack all your items after a move, then carefully store each item properly depending on where it will end up. We’ll go through scenarios when cardboard boxes aren’t ideal for long-term storage and even show you how to store cardboard boxes the right way.

Long Term Storage Cons for Cardboard Boxes

In order to store cardboard boxes effectively, it’s important to know all the problems associated with cardboard.

Cardboard breaks down much more quickly than plastic and is more susceptible to weather conditions, such as heat and humidity.

Cardboard takes a shorter amount of time to age. If you use cardboard boxes to store items long term, don’t expect the items to remain in perfect condition.

Bugs are especially attracted to cardboard boxes and their contents.

Some storage areas are worse than others for cardboard. Be aware of what is being stored and where before you decide to use a cardboard box. Are you storing on a concrete slab or other outdoor flooring in a shed? These moist areas can be disastrous for cardboard boxes.

Concrete slabs and outdoor flooring, if not sealed properly, will seep moisture, and if you have cardboard storage bins on the ground, it will then absorb the moisture and get the items in the box wet. If this happens, your items will become ruined and mildew or mold will start growing in the box.

If you have chosen to stack cardboard boxes in this situation, the bottom box walls have now become compromised, and there is a chance of the stack falling.

How to Store Cardboard Boxes Properly

1. Maintain Your Storage Area

If you maintain your storage area, cardboard boxes can last a lot longer. Keep boxes on shelves so they are always off the ground, don’t stack more than a few boxes high, and make sure the heavy items are on the bottom of the stack.

2. Use Climate Control Storage

Another thing that really helps keep your cardboard boxes in good condition for storage is a climate-controlled environment. If you have the option of climate-controlled and non-climate-controlled, and you plan on storing items in cardboard boxes, always take the climate-controlled option. What this does is maintain the level of humidity and temperature so your cardboard boxes will not be as affected by outside conditions.

3. Opt for Indoor Storage Space Like an Attic

Instead of storing your items in the garage, perhaps you decide to store them in your attic with a wooden floor. There is no chance of moisture seeping up through the floor to ruin the boxes. However, be aware that there is a chance of water leaking through the roof and onto the boxes, thus causing the same type of damage as in the garage.

When to Use Plastic Bags for Storage

Sometimes it’s easier to err on the side of caution. As long as they are sealed correctly, plastic boxes and totes are not affected by moisture or water. They are also not as susceptible to breaking down when stacked. These storage options are better at dealing with the elements and are much better protected from insect infestation.

Plastic boxes come in a variety of colors. One benefit to these containers is the additional organization offered.  Store items in clear boxes with different colored lids to create an organizational system for your belongings in storage. You can use color coordinating lids with the subjects of what you are storing. You can even make a legend of the colors and stick it to the wall of the storage area.

Some examples of lid color coordinating are:

Green – Christmas, winter

Red – Valentine’s Day

Orange – Halloween, Thanksgiving, fall

Blue – Fourth of July, summer

Pink – Easter, spring

Black – New Year’s

Storage boxes come in various sizes, and you don’t need tape to put them together. They usually have locking lids, and best of all, the clear ones can help you see what you are storing – a great start to helping you get or stay organized.

When determining what long term storage box to use, make sure you consider the conditions of your storage area. Sometimes you can get away with cardboard boxes, and other times it’s best to stick with sealed plastic totes. Not sure where to source quality cardboard boxes? Visit any of our Life Storage locations for moving boxes in a variety of sizes.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Everything You Need To Know About Toggle Clamps

Equipment plays a vital role in the productivity and effectiveness in an industry. One of the most necessary tools is toggle clamp. When you start using one, you’ll realize how beneficial it is. It will give you advantages that are worth the cost. Not only can it keep a workpiece in place, but it can also help control over your piece.

One of the benefits is availability. It is accessible whenever you are. Researching on the product will throw up a surprise when you find a range of options on the market. With a number of brands out there, it becomes stressful to opt which will be convenient for you.

However, the variety of solutions will just make you confused. Choosing the one that suits your needs is stressful. So, it’s necessary to pay attention to the option that offers optimal safety and maximum efficiency. Yes, the process is more stringent than you imagine. But there is no pressure. Take your time. Don’t be enticed to purchase cheap brands. Spend your money, effort, and time to a high-quality product.

Another thing that you’ll realize when you shop is that toggle clamp is not a huge investment. There are companies that offer fair and reasonable prices. Just do your homework so that you can buy one that is packed with amazing features.

1. What is the Toggle Clamp?

With the range of equipment to use in different industries, toggle clamp should not be overlooked. It makes the process convenient and productive that leads to a comfortable experience. But have you ever wondered what toggle clamp is?

A toggle clamp is one of the most important devices that a homeowner or contractor should stock. It firmly holds down a workpiece and keeps it stationary. This enables you to undertake an action without being worried by frequent movement of a piece of wood. It is equipped with a unique pivot and unique lever system, ensuring a maximum function and excellent performance. This enables the heavy weldable toggle clamp to hold down a piece according to your comfort. Not only that, it squeezes, pushes, and pulls wood in a way that reaches your requirement.

For those who are a bit hesitant to use the product, it’s good to know its advantages. Take a close look at the following:

Excellent Efficiency:

Adding toggle clamp to cart is the most brilliant decision you can ever make. From the installation to the actual use, the tool is no doubt easy and fast. It is a cutting-edge material and recommended by experts because of its high operating reliability. The efficient setup enables you to work as accurate as possible.Not only that, there’s more! It comes with a high clamping ability that reduces necessary fixtures for a particular application. Yes, it does not sound useful at first. During actual use, you’ll notice how it significantly reduces the work time.

Convenient Adaptability:

Another thing that most people love about a toggle clamp is its adaptability. It can adapt to workpieces of different heights. This is true of the Cam-action mode that is employed on forgings and rough castings.There are also strap clamps and T-slot clamps that come with adjustable screws. These enable you to apply the clamping force you desire. They have a high exerting force and flexible adjustability that are useful when working with various material thicknesses.

Great Versatility:

Comfort You’ll Love Several types of adjustable toggle clamps are conveniently available on the market. Of all options online and offline, the toggle clamp has varieties. Different aspects, including handle design, pressure ratings, and handle placement distinguish one brand from another. Most solutions are available in automatic and manual models. This results in an extensive range of toggle action.

Squeeze action clamps are equipped with a release lever, making the product much easier to open. Also, there are various finishes to choose from. Those with a goal to purchase a tool that enhances visual appeal, this is a perfect solution. But curb value alone is not enough to guarantee a meaningful investment. Luckily, squeeze action toggles are corrosion resistant. Manufacturers use a lot of modern materials such as zinc plate, chrome finish, nickel plate, and chrome finish.

The good news is that manufacturers can customize their products for their diverse clients. Whatever you’re looking for, you can find it from a reputable company. Direct your attention to a trusted service provider for a hassle-free journey.

Optimal Safety: Experience without Injuries

Typically, the design of a toggle clamp ensures a high level of safety during work. It is known for an outstanding locking action that keeps the tool and workpiece in place. Whether you’ve experienced accidents or endured injuries with your toggle, consider other excellent alternatives. Select the one that helps prevent accidents because of slipping or losing grip.

Most toggle clamps of today allow you to exert a good level of force onto a workpiece. Because of this superb holding power, you are assured of your safety while working. When it comes to activating the power clamps, people use strap clamps, fasteners, and other essential tools. It’s easy for some, but difficult for others. More often than not, it requires repeated actions, increasing muscle fatigue or strains.

Aside from that, it subjects the tool to increased wear and tear which is not a worth it investment. Luckily, there are toggles designed to enable a stress-free way of operating the material. Reputed for lever mechanism, the activation of power clamps only require a single pull. It’s very convenient, and everything will be set in no time.

Effective Ergonomics:

A toggle clamp is packed with a handle that is specially designed to minimize strain and other body pains while working. This maximizes work efficiency and productivity, resulting in successful outputs.

But what makes it comfortable to use? Because of its contoured handle grips, it fits better into the hands. Whatever your size, you can manipulate the handle according to your comfort. Manufacturers can even modify the handle into a bent position, allowing you to keep your wrist straight. Just tell the company of your option ahead of time to have an investment that lasts over the years. In addition, it helps you avoid fatigue and other strain injuries.

Money-Saving: Obtain a Good Sum of Money for Update

Homeowners are deceived by cheap toggles. The belief to avoid costs and acquire huge savings won’t happen. They will spend more than having a meaningful investment. A toggle clamp that is available at a low price leads to expensive replacement and repair. As a consumer, direct your attention to those that are available at a reasonable rate and be willing to spend more on other toggle clamps.

What’s even more interesting about the equipment is its clamping and release. You can achieve it in a minute or two. It leads to extreme time saving per cycle. Of course, many people have a hectic schedule, and this product is something that everyone should not miss.

Easy to Incorporate: Avoid Other Expenses

Taking advantage of a toggle clamp does not require additional machining, slotting, and other unnecessary tasks. You can use it in any tooling without a hard time. In fact, it’s stress-free to integrate into your workplace. Tired of using inefficient tools? Or overwhelmed with the repair costs? It’s time to utilize toggles today.

Low Maintenance: Say Bye to All Hassles

There are factors that make a toggle clamp high-quality. One is the material used. Is it made from a chrome finish? Does it come with zinc plate? Or is it designed with stainless steel. The best material is the one that lasts and does not rust.

However, modern materials are not enough to say that a toggle clamp is excellent. People consider the comfort level of maintenance. Generally, toggles are virtually maintenance free. They only require a few drops of lubricating oil to keep them in an excellent condition.

In case of damage, call a professional right away. Instead of fixing the problem yourself, it’s best to count on an exceptional company. Ask your friends and relatives for referrals. It’s better than browsing the internet.

Extraordinarily Reliable and Simple to Use

A toggle clamp has been getting a buzz all over the internet. Users from different parts of the world have been amazed by the toggle. It’s very reliable and easy to use. It’s a tremendously efficient operating system, making it a cost-efficient option for all. Because of this, it helps people reduce work time. Plus, it brings efficiency in the workspace.

2. How Does A Toggle Clamp Work?

Known to be the quick-action hold down tool, a toggle clamp is employed to keep a workpiece stationary. It may be fixed to a fixture or a bench. Or it may be handheld for holding different pieces of wood together.

A toggle clamp operates thru a system of pivots and levers. The clamp actuation moves against the workpiece. Then, it stretches or compresses the linkages. It locks Y moving the center pivot past the centerline of other pivots. It firmly holds the workpiece until you move the handle for a successful release.

Different Types of Toggle Clamps

As with other tools at home or workplace, a toggle clamp has various types. Keep reading to find more information.

Horizontal Toggle Clamp

When the handle is in the horizontal position, this toggle clamp is in the locked position. As the handle moves towards the table, its securing arm locks into place. Commonly, this is used when there are height limitations to machinery. Plus, don’t forget to mount it to a table.

Vertical Toggle Clamp

The vertical toggle handle with red handle stands straight when locked. It is designed with various holding capacities. It can apply a considerable amount of pressure. Every time you pull the handle away from the tool, you can lift the securing bar and place an object under the bar. As the handle moves into vertical alignment, the pressure is applied. Not only is it safe for a worktable, but it also used to secure wood around machinery.

Push-Pull Toggle Clamp

The handle of this clamp moves the securing bar in a straight line. Once the handle is engaged, the securing arm pushes into an object, locks, and holds it in place. Generally, you can lock the clamp in two positions. They are also suited for clamping different objects together, such as pieces of wood and molds.

The push-pull clamp has a superb plunger that travels in and out. As the name suggests, the clamp offers push and pull offers. It may lock in either the pull or push position. It may also be referred to as a straight line or plunger-style clamp.

Pull-Action Latching Toggle Clamp

This clamp works similar to the latch on fishing tackle boxes. Its handle is appropriately aligned with the opposing latch. Then, it is pulled back down into the locking position. This is used for closing objects such as mold closures and latching doors. Ask the manufacturer of your choice to help you have a brilliant decision in no time.

Categorized into two types such as U-hook and J-hook, pull action latching toggle clamp is ideal for sealing lids and molds. With its threated adjustments, it becomes adaptable to many applications. Options include stainless steel, carbon, and rubber material.

Squeeze-Action Toggle Clamp

Unlike the others, this toggle clamp is far different. It looks quite similar to pliers. It has two jaws that clamp onto various objects. As a portable clamp, it can be used in various situations. Not only can it hold two objects, but it can also put each in place.

For example, whether you have to clamp two boards together or are aware from your shop, it will be easy to achieve with a squeeze-action toggle clamp. Give it a try and see a huge difference after first use.

Also, it comes with 1 or 2 spindles that you can adjust. Its trigger release results in easy one-hand operation on a variety of models. Choices include stainless steel and carbon. Plus, there are jaw depths and openings. But this depends on the requirements of your application.

Hook Clamps

Looking for a toggle that is perfect for closing and holding doors, lids, and molds? There is no need to look further than hook toggle clamp. It pulls two parts together, making it an ideal option for different applications. It may also require a separately fixed catch.

Cam Toggle Clamp

With the number of toggles out there, this clamp is a similar to vertical toggle. The only difference is that the clamping force is generated by the action of a roller on a cam. This allows components of thickness to be clamped without the readjustment of the spindle. Also, there are latch toggle clamps.

3. Applications of Toggle Clamp

Unlike other tools that homeowners and professionals use, a toggle clamp is a flexible option. Aside from having a ton of features such as low maintenance, huge savings, and ease of use, this equipment is highly versatile. This means that it has various applications and here are some:

Welding Fixtures

A toggle clamp is versatile. It can be utilized in many fields, and one of those is welding. In welding production, there is a fixture that uses clamps. With the right and effective toggle, it can make a welding project much easier than you think. It can help you construct a welding fixture, improve quality, and reduce production time.

As a piece of equipment, a welding jig has several parts. Not only does this form a weldment, but it also keeps a fixed dimensional relationship among various parts. A welding fixture needs to fulfill the requirements from being well-designed in light of durability, a great conductor of electricity, and enough tolerance to take care of deviations of steel castings.

Electronic Test Fixtures

An electronic test fixture is a tool for testing devices. In assessing electronics such as chips and circuit boards, this equipment can hold the device. But this depends on the quality of your option. Choose the solution that does not require extensive maintenance. Also, consider efficient working, easy to operate, and functional solutions on the market.

Injection Molding

A toggle clamp is also applied in injection molding. Its primary function is to open or close the mold. Toggle clamp uses mechanical linkages to produce higher forces. Aside from that, direct hydraulic clamp is utilized.

Known as mechanical devices, conveyors are used to moving packages or other items without much effort. More particularly, they are employed to move bulk materials such as aggregate and gravel. They have frames that support wheels, rollers, and belts. They consist of belt conveyors for moving belts, vertical conveyors for lifting materials, and overhead conveyors for hanging items during transportation. They also have a toggle clamp to improve the level of comfort and productivity.

Milling, Drilling, Bonding, and Sealing

Homeowners and contractors encounter a hard time when milling, drilling, bonding, and sealing. With several tools to opt, a toggle clamp should not be ignored. It makes the tasks simpler than you expect. You can put an end to the hassles of doing all drilling or sealing projects.

Machine Tool Positioners

Toggle clamps also serve as machine tool positioners. Right positioning of machines cannot be done manually. It requires the use of a toggle clamp to make the process accurate and error-free. Whether your existing toggles are not efficient and tested, rely on a company with a strong reputation in the business. Whatever your situation, a clamp from a reliable provider is an excellent choice.

Production Fixtures

These fixtures are a support or work-holding device in the production history. They are used to locate or even support the work, guaranteeing all parts to maintain interchangeability and conformity. Using these tools improves the economy of manufacturing. The application of toggle clamp in production fixtures make the equipment useful. It provides a boost in worker’s performance and productivity.

Inspection and Gaging Fixtures

Controlling a process is crucial in manufacturing parts and assemblies. Inspection and gaging fixtures can play an essential role in effective manufacturing. These give machine operators the opportunity to ensure that every piece is produced as accurate as possible. But, without a toggle that works well, the system and process are greatly affected. So, eliminate inefficient clamp in your list and buy the one that’s of high-quality.

Coping with Narrow Rails

Door rails in furniture are risky to pass by a coping bit. Without enough support, the rail may turn into a disaster. Not only will the cut be damaged, but your fingers are also at risk. But all of these safety issues can be avoided with the use of toggle clamp. Integrating toggles into your routine makes your workplace a damage-free environment. You can use a toggle clamp to construct a coping jig. All materials needed are a thick base piece and a spacer board. Top the piece with a board. This will serve as a sacrificial surface that allows the jig to slide and help you create perfect cuts.

Cutting Tenons with a Table Saw

Standing the workpiece on its end and feeding it freehand with the blade are unsafe. It’s better to create a tenoning jig using two toggle clamps. You can build a fence to stand the workpieces without a hassle. Also, don’t forget to mount the clamps to a spacer. You can now feed a block of wood perfectly thru the saw. You can adjust the rip fence for cheek cuts.

Locking Down Miter Joints

Closing miter joints with a bar-style clamp are not as safe as you think. It’s brilliant to choose toggle clamp. Thanks to its well-designed and awesome features. You can use it with a square back-up block and base form. Utilize painter’s tape to prevent the glue from sticking to the backup block and base.

Tension-free Tapering

Typically, the two-leg tenoning jigs have a significant flaw. There is no a comfortable and effective way to hold a workpiece against the angled leg of the jig. From employing a push stick to holding it with your hands is awkward and risky. With toggle clamp, you can experience convenience throughout the process. More particularly, you can keep your fingers away from danger. You can make a tapering jig from a piece of scrap without a burden.

All you have to do is align the layout line on your leg workpiece and screw spacer blocks to hold it at the right angle. Screw the toggles to the spacers. After clamping your workpiece in place, you can now set the jig against the rip fence of your saw. Then, adjust the fence to make sure that the jig edge is flush against the saw blade properly.

Feeding the jig past your blade will cut the tapered waist with error-free precision. You don’t have to employ a push stick to hold the leg steadily. Aside from that, your fingers are away from the blade. Lastly, don’t forget to unscrew and reposition your spacer locks to best fit your new taper angle.

Template-Routing Narrow Workpieces

Both a piloted bit and a template are helpful for you to turn out arched door rails and other shaped parts. However, routing curved and narrow workpieces can place your fingers close to the bit. So, why risk your hand? There’s an excellent way to ensure your safety. Make your template piece wider than normal and add a spacer block for your toggles. Next, position the spacer to extend the workpiece for proper trimming. Fasten your toggle to the spacer to press the workpiece against your template easily.With a toggle clamp, you can say bye to double-sided tape, push pads or messy hot-melt glue. You can still hold the parts in alignment by locking the clamps. By that, everything is set for routing. While working at home or in the office, you can use a toggle clamps as hand-holds.

Other Applications

Toggle clamp is also used in a door closure, assembly, and woodworking jigs, and latches for container lids. Without its integration into these applications, related tasks will be difficult. While spending most of your time, the result is now what you expect in the first place. Thanks to toggles. Doing these jobs become fast.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Understanding Auto Parts

The basic idea of a car is pretty simple — turn wheels to pull you down the road. But, as illustrated by the hundreds of individual parts for sale at your local Pep Boys, AutoZone or Napa Auto Parts, it actually takes a lot of machinery to make cars work.

If you&39;re trying to figure out what all the parts in your car do, HowStuffWorks AutoStuff is the place for you. Here&39;s a collection of our key car part articles.

Engine System

How Car Engines Work

It&39;s the reason you can put the pedal to the metal and go from zero to 60 in about 8 seconds. The car engine is a piece of engineering genius and one of the most amazing machines we use on a daily basis. Learn how the four-stroke internal combustion engine works.

How Diesel Engines Work

Ever wonder what the difference is between a gasoline engine and a diesel engine? Diesels are more efficient and cheaper to run than gasoline engines. Instead of using carburetion or port fuel injection, diesel engines use direct fuel injection. Find out what else makes diesel engines different!

How Hemi Engines Work

The HEMI engine has an awesome design and great performance, and it&39;s pretty unique in operation. With the revitalization of the HEMI in the 2003 Dodge trucks, industry and consumer attention is once again on this interesting configuration. Check out how the HEMI works and see what makes it different from the typical engine design.

How Rotary Engines Work

A rotary engine is an internal combustion engine, but it&39;s not like the one in most cars. Also called a Wankel engine, this type of engine performs intake, compression, combustion and exhaust in a different part of the housing. Learn about the unique rotary setup and how it compares performance-wise to a piston engine.

How Radial Engines Work

Radial engines reached their zenith during WWII. But today they are not that common. One place where you can still see the radial engine&39;s influence is in the two-cylinder engine of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. This remarkable engine can be thought of, in a way, as two pistons from a radial engine. Find out about radial engines.

How Quasiturbine Engines Work

The quasiturbine engine takes the Wankel concept and improves on it: Instead of three combustion chambers, it has four, and the setup of a quasiturbine allows for continual combustion. That means greater efficiency than any other engine in its class. Learn about the quasiturbine and why it might be the most promising internal combustion engine yet.

How Camshafts Work

The camshaft has a huge effect on engine performance. It helps let the air/fuel mixture into the engine and get the exhaust out. Learn all about the camshaft and how a new one can radically change an engine&39;s behavior.

How Superchargers Work

Since the invention of the internal combustion engine, automotive engineers, speed junkies and race car designers have been searching for ways to boost its power. One way is by installing a supercharger, which forces more air into the combustion chamber. Learn how superchargers can make an engine more efficient.

How Turbochargers Work

When people talk about race cars, or high-performance sports cars, the topic of turbochargers almost always comes up. Turbochargers use some very cool technology to make an engine more powerful, but the concept is really quite simple. Find out how turbos increase the speed.

How Fuel Injection Systems Work

The last carburetor-equipped car came off the assembly line in 1990. Since then, fuel injectors have been the primary means of getting gasoline into the engine cylinder so it can combust and you can drive. Find out how fuel-injection systems work.

Power Train

How Manual Transmissions Work

If you drive a stick-shift car, then you may have a few questions floating around in your head. Have you ever wondered, "What would happen if I were to accidentally shift into reverse while I am speeding down the freeway? Would the entire transmission explode?" Find out all about manual transmissions.

How Automatic Transmissions Work

Automatic transmissions take the work out of shifting. A truly amazing mechanical system, the automatic transmission in a car accomplishes everything a manual transmission does, but it does it with one set of gears. Learn how the whole setup works.

How Clutches Work

You probably know that any car with a manual transmission has a clutch -- it connects and disconnects the engine and transmission. But did you know that automatics have clutches, too? Learn how the clutch in your car works, and find out about some interesting and perhaps surprising places where clutches can be found.

How CVTs Work

In a regular transmission, the gears are literal gears -- interlocking, toothed wheels. Continuously variable transmissions, on the other hand, don&39;t have interlocking gears. The most common type operates on a pulley system. Learn all about the smooth-operating, ultra-efficient CVT.

How Differentials Work

Without a differential, the driven wheels (front wheels on a front-wheel drive car or rear wheels on a rear-wheel drive car) would have to be locked together, forced to spin at the same speed. Find out how this essential component allows the wheels to rotate at different speeds.

Braking System

How Brakes Work

A car&39;s brakes are probably the most critical system on the vehicle -- if they go out, you have a major problem. Thanks to leverage, such as AUDI VW headlight level sensor, hydraulics and friction, braking systems provide incredible stopping power. Find out what happens after you push the brake pedal.

How Disc Brakes Work

Disc brakes are the most common brakes found on a car&39;s front wheels, and they&39;re often on all four. This is the part of the brake system that does the actual work of stopping the car. Find out all about disc brakes -- even when to replace the pads.

How Anti-lock Brakes Work

Stopping a car in a hurry on a slippery road can be challenging at best and at worst, very, very scary. Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) help alleviate the danger. Learn how anti-lock brakes prevent skidding, check out what that sputtering is and find out how effective they really are.

How Power Brakes Work

Power brakes are fairly ingenious machines -- they let you stop a car with a simple twitch of your foot. The concept at the heart of the power braking system is force multiplication -- a whole lot of force multiplication. Get inside the black cannister that provides the power.

How Master Cylinders and Combination Valves Work

We all know that pushing down on the brake pedal slows a car to a stop. We depend on that every day when we drive. But how does this happen? The master cylinder provides the pressure that engages your car brakes. Learn how the master cylinder works with the combination valve to make sure you can brake safely.

Steering, Suspension and Tires

How Steering Works

When it comes to crucial automotive systems, steering is right up there with the engine and the brakes. Power steering systems make the job a whole lot easier, and the internal workings are pretty cool. What happens when you turn your car is not as simple as you might think. Find out all about car steering systems.

How Car Suspensions Work

All of the power generated by a car engine is useless if the driver can&39;t control the car. The job of a car suspension is enormous: maximize the friction between the tires and the road surface, provide steering stability and ensure the comfort of the passengers. Learn how car suspensions work and where the design is headed in the future.

How Tires Work

In the market for new set of tires? All of the different tire specifications and confusing jargon the tire sales clerks or "experts" are shouting at you making your head feel like a tire spinning out of control? Find out all about car tires, including what those sidewall symbols mean!

How Self-inflating Tires Work

Self-inflating tires perform two crucial functions: They automatically maintain ideal tire pressure for safety and performance in standard conditions, and they allow the driver to alter psi on the fly to adjust to changing terrain. Learn how self-inflating systems like the Hummer&39;s CTIS work.

How Sequential Gearboxes Work

Combine the ease of an automatic with the driver control of a manual, such as a window switch, and what you&39;ve got is a sequential manual transmission. Instead of having to navigate an H pattern, a simple forward push advances the gear. It&39;s the transmission used by race cars and an increasing number of high-performance street cars. Learn all about the sequential gearbox.

How Torque Converters Work

Cars with automatic transmission parts have no clutch that disconnects the transmission from the engine. Instead, they use an amazing device called a torque converter. Find out all about the torque converter.

Electrical System

How Wires, Fuses and Connectors Work

Wires, fuses and connectors - they may sound like the most mundane parts on your car, but they are essential. Yeah, they help keep the tunes going for a long ride, and they make reading that map at night a lot easier. But, they&39;re also necessary for things like the cooling fan in the engine and your anti-lock brakes. Learn why wires, fuses and connectors are so important!

How Ignition Systems Work

A car&39;s ignition system is the key component that helps the engine produce maximum power and minimum pollution. Find out how much is riding on a well-timed spark.

How Car Computers Work

Cars seem to get more complicated with each passing year. Today&39;s cars might have as many as 50 microprocessors on them. Essentially, you&39;re driving around in a giant computer. Learn all about the various computer systems that control your car.

How Windshield Wipers Work

Without windshield wipers, a rain storm would make cars pretty much useless. What began as a hand-cranked system is now automatic, including auto switch and headlight switch, and only getting more so: There are now some windshield wipers that can actually sense rain. Learn the mechanics behind this essential automotive tool.

Exhaust System

How Catalytic Converters Work

A catalytic converter is one of the most important parts of a car&39;s emissions control system. It treats the exhaust before it leaves the car and removes a lot of the pollution. Learn how catalytic converters reduce pollutants and help you pass the emissions test.

How Mufflers Work

Every car out there has a muffler -- it performs the crucial job of turning thousands of explosions per minute into a quiet purr. Mufflers use some pretty neat technology to dim the roar of an engine. Learn about the principles that make it work.

Other Car Parts

How Odometers Work

Mechanical odometers have been counting the miles for centuries. Although they are a dying breed, they are incredibly cool inside. Learn how this simple device tracks distance and find out about digital odometers.

How Cooling Systems Work

A car engine produces so much heat that there is an entire system in your car designed to cool the engine down to its ideal temperature. In fact, the cooling system on a car driving down the freeway dissipates enough heat to heat two average-sized houses! Learn all about fluid-based cooling systems.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Advantages Of Using Air Fresheners

Often you get some unpleasant smells once you come back to your home after a long time. This is generally due to inadequate air passage. You might not be able to stay in such an environment where there are unpleasant smells.

There can be any other reasons due to which you can get bad smell in your surrounding environment. The best way will be to use an air freshener to make the surrounding environment fresh and fragranced.

Getting a very well invoked fragrance will be really important as soon as the brain receives odors there will be instant invocation and memories create some unpleasant mood. It will be really important to get your mood in a perfect order in order to stay healthy physically and mentally.

Today people are using air fresheners at home and in cars, like car hanging perfume. This creates a wonderful fragrance which in turn helps in making the ambience wonderful and fresh. People use the fruit and lemon rich fragrance in order to create a refreshing image.

Along with advantages there are also some of the disadvantages which individual experiences with the air fresheners effect.

This article will speak about both advantages and disadvantages of the air refreshers. Also there are varieties of companies that deal with air fresheners in the market. You can choose the one that is reputed in the market.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Air Fresheners

Unpleasant smells are frequently found lurking in bathrooms and musky offices, which make using those facilities bothersome and at times unbearable.

While its main benefit is to eliminate odors, there are many other benefits other than spreading a pleasant smell.


Flexible: Air freshener service, such as EVA air freshener, can be installed virtually anywhere in your building. It is designed not just for restrooms but also for use in areas such as offices, meeting rooms, care homes, hotels, reception areas, school classrooms or anywhere that a pleasant fragrance is desired.

The air freshener comes furnished with a fan which can be used in high traffic areas and turned off in less visited areas so you get the perfect amount of fragrance circulating in the place on installation or spray.

Natural: Most air fresher services, use natural essential oils to make their scents. The freshener contains no volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) or aerosol products. And although most fragrances are strong and overpowering, Air fresheners leave a light, fresh fragrance behind.

You don’t have to worry about getting burned out on one scent; Most Air fresheners come equipped with a number of fragrance /scent options for you to enjoy a variety of aromas that you like

Neutralizes: Some fresheners simply mask the smell of malicious odors instead of neutralizing them; however, air fresheners that eliminate odors completely as to avoid mixing uncomplimentary smells together are available in most departmental stores. It truly creates a fresh, clean smell completely void of ghastly whiffs and scrunching noses.

Convenient: By choosing a good air freshener service provider, you will benefit from full installation, maintenance, and refills by service technicians Usually there is no additional charge for battery changes, and technicians will make sure your Room Freshener Gel doesn’t run out.

Designs: There are many design, sleek and classy and not old fashioned bulky air fresheners available these days .Also their closed system is ideal for hanging and decreases theft & vandalism. The design is also safety-minded as children can’t tamper with it and animals can’t reach it.

Positive change in mood: There are situations when you are in a tremendous off mood. Even you feel like breaking your head. But, if suddenly if you get a fresh smell of lemon or natural flower, it will instantly change your mood and you can easily get in to moon on with salinity and peace in mind.

You can easily concentrate on your work or speak to everyone without spoiling your mood. Air fresheners are very well associated with well being of human being with a boost to positive attitude.

Killing airborne pathogens: Some microorganisms and airborne pathogens are present in the environment that sometimes creates unhealthy atmosphere. If you can use the air fresheners with natural essential oil extracts, the airborne pathogens which are harmful for your body will be eradicated with the natural air fresheners. Even in your vehicles and bathrooms you can use these air fresheners in order to stay fresh and healthy. Also, you can use air purifier spray.

Eliminating undesirable odors: None of the individuals would like bad odor capturing them when they enter home or bathroom. Thus, the cosmetic manufacturers are making air fresheners of different fragrance and aroma according to the likes of individuals. This will help eradicating all undesirable odors from your rooms, bathroom and environment.

Keeps fragranced: You can stay away from the bad smell if you are using air fresheners. Your home will be really fragranced with the good smell. The air around you will be refreshing as well. You can apply this in your drawing room where you are going to grace your guest. Your relatives and friends visiting your home will be delighted.

Portrays positive frame of mind: If an individual is not having good mood, the fragrance can easily give a drastic change over the mood. Yes, the good fragrance helps in providing positive mood to every individual. If you have problem of mood swing, the air fresheners can help making it positive.

Homeowners and tenants are usually alike they use air fresheners to eliminate bad odors in their homes. Air fresheners are a quick fix to bad smells, and may seem like a gift from the home-cleaning gods. However, there are several disadvantages to using air fresheners. Certain aspects of air fresheners may affect your health, finances and the sanitation of your home.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

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Chóa đèn pha trong khối hệ thống đèn led pha chiếu sáng nhà xưởng thực sự cần thiết, nó giúp bảo vệ bộ ruột đèn led pha, giúp bóng tránh bị các ảnh hưởng phía bên ngoài như bụi, côn trùng, nước làm hư hỏng, kề bên còn làm phân phổ ánh sáng đc tốt hơn.

Do đèn pha philips đc làm bằng chất liệu cao cấp, chống rỉ sét đạt chuẩn mức chất lượng và độ an toàn cao nên giá cao hơn những chóa đèn China. chính vì như thế, chúng ta cũng có thể trọn vẹn an tâm sử dụng dòng sản phẩm này của công ty chúng tôi. dòng sản phẩm không những mang lại chất lượng nguồn sáng hoàn chỉnh mà còn thỏa mãn nhu cầu về an toàn sức khỏe cũng như tính thẩm mỹ khi lắp đặt.

[Image: he-thong-chieu-sang-san-bong-co-nhan-tao.jpg]

những loại đèn led pha chiếu sáng công nghiệp hiện giờ đc sản xuất ít nhiều, và có khá nhiều hàng trôi nổi vì vậy để lựa chọn dòng sản phẩm cho dự án công trình của bản thân mình, quý khách rất cần được tư vấn chọn lựa sản phẩm đúng chất lượng, chớ nên thấy giá bèo thì mua. toàn bộ sản phẩm của Philips đều sở hữu giấy chứng nhận mẫu mã, xuất xứ và được bh 12 tháng.

Xem thêm : đèn đường led

thiết kế theo phong cách và lắp đặt hệ thống chiếu sáng đèn led pha philips rất cần phải những chuyên gia chuyên về chiếu sáng tư vấn và lựa chọn sản phẩm thích hợp. Để được hỗ trợ quý khách có thể tương tác nhà phân phối bóng đèn philips. Còn chần chừ gì nữa mà không tương tác ngay có chúng tôi để được các Chuyên Viên tư vấn, hỗ trợ đầy đủ, cụ thể nhất về thông tin dòng sản phẩm cũng như Báo Giá cực tốt. những bạn có thể contact có chúng tôi qua những kênh sau đây:

Địa Chỉ. Anh chị em đặt đơn hàng tại C.ty sẽ được coi mẫu sản phẩm và đc test qua chất lượng ánh sáng của bóng đèn, tuy nhiên trước lúc đến C.ty nên tương tác trước có nhân viên để xác thực thực trạng hàng có sẵn, tránh làm mất thời gian cũng như sức lực lao động của bạn.

[Image: capture_b66c194002f840fb930e08ff814d5ea9.png]

Ngoài ra khi mua hàng tại C.ty bạn sẽ được BH chính hãng theo điều khoản của hãng sản xuất. Đồng thời với hóa đơn 3.000.000 đồng trở lên công ty chúng tôi sẽ hỗ trợ ship hàng không lấy phí nội thành hoặc hỗ trợ một trong những phần Chi phí đối với những người tiêu dùng ở xa, tỉnh lẻ.

liên hệ Đại lý phân phối bóng đèn philips tại TpHCM để được biết thêm cụ thể và Điện thoại tư vấn, được thiết kế chiếu sáng miễn phí.

Showroom. tuy nhiên, bạn nên tương tác trước với chuyên viên để chứng thực tình trạng hàng hóa tại công ty, tránh làm mất thời gian cũng như công năng của bạn.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Đèn led pha tại HN có mấy mức công suất

hơn thế nữa, việc bạn sử dụng bộ ruột đèn led pha 2 cấp công năng 150W còn là chung tay giúp bảo vệ môi trường một cách trong trắng hơn, tránh các nhân tố ô nhiễm và độc hại từ những loại đèn led pha truyền thống lâu đời. đảm bảo an toàn cho người tiêu dùng cũng như an tâm cho tất cả những người tiêu thụ dựa vào những yếu tố hiện đại đc úng dụng vào trong sản phẩm.

Bóng đèn được ứng dụng rộng thoải mái cho nhiều căn chiếu sáng không giống nhau như chiếu sáng đường đi, chiếu sáng biển hiệu quảng cáo, chiếu sáng sân khấu hay lắp đặt cho những sân bãn, nhà kho, khu công nghiệp sản xuất hiện nay. với kiểu dáng thiết kế và sản xuất đáp ứng những tiêu chuẩn Châu u, bóng đèn hứa hẹn sẽ mang đến cho bạn các thưởng thức mới lạ và mê hoặc nhất.

[Image: he-thong-chieu-sang-san-bong-co-nhan-tao.jpg]

tùy theo không gian diện tích của không gian lắp đặt lớn hay bé, nhu yếu sử dụng nguồn sáng mạnh hay yếu mà chúng ta có thể bố trí con số bóng đèn thích hợp. Dường như, bạn còn hoàn toàn có thể phối hợp loại đèn này với các loại đèn khác để mang đến công dụng sử dụng cao nhất.

với rất nhiều loại công suất khác nhau bóng đèn sodium phù hợp cho mọi dự án ngoài trời và trong nhà có nhiệm vụ chiếu sáng khoảng căn lớn tiết kiệm giá thành đầu tư chi tiêu, chí phí duy trì và Chi phí chi trả tiền tiêu thụ điện năng.

Xem thêm : đèn đường led

Bóng đèn hiện nay được thiết kế với rất nhiều công suất, kiểu dáng, kích cỡ khác nhau giúp bạn lựa chọn tương xứng theo nhu cầu sử dụng của bản thân. Dường như, sản phẩm hiện giờ có 2 gam màu trắng, vàng không giống nhau phù hợp lắp đặt cho mọi căn khác nhau.

[Image: capture_b66c194002f840fb930e08ff814d5ea9.png]

contact đặt đơn hàng

nhằm bổ trợ quý khách hàng tiện lợi hơn trong việc mua hàng tại C.ty, Cửa Hàng chúng tôi ngày nay có không ít kênh tư vấn khác nhau:

+ contact qua số Hotline sau đây để được tư vấn về kiểu cách chọn lựa bóng đèn, lắp đặt bóng đèn cũng như Báo Giá rất tốt trên Thị Trường bây giờ. các bạn sẽ đc chuyên viên tư vấn, bổ trợ đầy đủ và cụ thể nhất.

+ contact qua gmail để được bổ trợ đầy đủ, chóng vánh. Đối có các người tiêu dùng dự án công trình thì đó là hình thức tư vấn khá đầy đủ, đúng đắn và chóng vánh nhất. Cả nhà chỉ cần cung cấp các thông báo về sản phẩm, thương hiệu hay diện tích lắp đặt chúng tôi sẽ tư vấn và Báo Giá rất tốt cho bạn.

+ đặt hàng trực tiếp trên trang web chính của C.ty. hiện nay có 3 website chính đó là giúp chúng ta cũng có thể mua hàng nhanh chóng và dễ nhất.

+ đặt hàng trực tiếp tại Địa chỉ cửa hàng
Dien Dan Rao Vat