September 2021 ~ DIỄN ĐÀN RAO VẶT

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Nâng mũi bằng chỉ ở đâu đẹp tại HCM

Chị em thường tìm chọn cho mình địa chỉ nâng mũi ở đâu đẹp để cải thiện vóc dáng mũi của mình. bài viết sau đây là tổng hợp những vấn đề chị em quan tâm để có được hình dáng mũi ưng ý.
Chị em ơi!
Mũi em là dang thấp bẩm sinh, nên em rất muốn nâng mũi. Em nghe nói nâng mũi bằng chỉ đơn giản, đẹp, không đau đúng k ạ? Mấy chị nào làm cái này rồi, thì chỉ dẫn cho em với, sẵn cho em hỏi là nâng mũi bằng chỉ giá bao nhiêu tiền luôn? Sợ tới đó thiếu k biết đâu mà đắp. Chị em giúp em nhiệt tình nhé, em nôn lắm luôn rồi!!! Đa tạ chị em nhiều nhiều!

[Image: nang-mui-bang-chi.png]

Có vụ nâng mũi bằng chỉ nữa hả, sao mà giờ nhiều kĩ thuật quá vậy
Có đó chị ơi, em tìm thấy trên mạng nói làm cái này đơn giản nhẹ nhàng lắm
Vậy đó hả đó h chị nghe có nâng mũi hàn quốc, nâng mũi sụn gì gì đó thôi, còn nâng mũi bằng chỉ này là lần đầu tiên chị nghe luôn đó
Thôi thôi chị ơi đừng có nâng mũi bằng chỉ hổm giờ bác sĩ thẩm mỹ đồ người ta khuyên k nên đó chị ơi
Hồi đợt chị cũng định nâng mũi bằng chỉ, mà tìm hiểu thấy dễ viêm nhiễm lắm. Nên chị chịu tốn chút nâng luôn S line luôn

&t;&t;&t; Tham khảo thêm nâng mũi giá bao nhiêu tại bệnh viện thẩm mỹ uy tín, chất lượng tại Hồ Chí Minh

[Image: nang-mui-bang-chi-tai-hcm.png]

Đẹp quá chị ơi, chị nâng S line có bị đỏ đầu mũi không chị, em nghe nói nhiều ng nâng lên bị đỏ đầu mũi lắm
Chị ơi chị nâng mũi ở đâu mà đẹp quá vậy, em cũng thích nâng dáng mũi giống vầy nè
K có bị đỏ đầu mũi gì hết luôn đó em. Hôm nâng lên thì nó nề nề sưng, xong r gom form luôn đó. Còn nhiều ng mà bị đỏ đầu mũi chị nghe nói chắc là do da mỏng á
Chị nâng bên bác sĩ Hùng bên quận 3 đó em ơi, hôm chị cũng được bạn chị dắt đi chứ hồi đầu chị cũng k biết ở đây ?

Em cực thích dáng mũi y như chị luôn đó, nhìn nó sang với k có bị giả. Mà nâng lên vầy đau không chị, nghe dao kéo em ớn ớn sao đó
Nâng mũi này nhiều tiền k chị. Hồi đầu em định nâng mũi bằng chỉ cho nó rẻ đó, mà h chị nói nó dễ viêm nhiễm làm em cũng k biết làm sao nữa
Có thuốc tê mà em nên k có đau dữ lắm đâu, em cứ suy nghĩ rồi tự mình hù mình thôi à
Chị nâng đây là 35tr đó, đáng lẽ là 50tr lận mà giảm giá nên còn 35tr. Còn nâng mũi bằng chỉ đó, mấy vụ bị viêm nhiễm rồi, do bác sĩ không khéo với thêm là cơ thể mình k hợp với chỉ á, là nó đào thải à. Trên đây nè, nhiều chị bị rồi, phải đi rút chỉ ra đó, em tìm mà xem đi
Gì mà ghê vậy chị rút ra luôn hả, rồi rút ra mũi có bị ảnh hưởng gì k chị
Này chị cũng k rành nữa, chị nghĩ là nó cũng ảnh hưởng đến mũi của mình đó em. Mà chị nghĩ em chịu tốn hơn chút cho nó an toàn chứ lỡ nâng bậy nâng bạn. Làm lên k đẹp đã đành xong r còn hư sửa lại các kiểu, tốn tiền còn hơn
Vậy để em nghiên cứu lại thêm xem sao, chứ nãy h cũng nhiều người nói em vụ nâng mũi bằng chỉ không an toàn rồi

&t;&t;&t; Nguồn bài viết: nâng mũi bằng chỉ
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Chọn đèn led pha phù hợp siêu sáng

Biện pháp tối ưu để tiết kiệm điện năng trong chiếu sáng là sử dụng dòng thiết bị cảm biến bật tắt đèn led pha . tiếp sau đây là một vài nguyên tắc chọn lựa và lắp đặt hài hòa sẽ hỗ trợ dòng thiết bị điện thông minh phát huy tác dụng.

Chọn dòng thiết bị phù hợp:

dòng thiết bị cảm ứng tắt bật đèn led pha được chia làm hai loại chủ yếu: dòng thiết bị cảm biến cường độ ánh sáng và thiết bị cảm biến chuyển động. việc tìm dòng thiết bị nhờ vào mục đích sử dụng của đèn led pha chiếu sáng và vị trí lắp đặt dòng thiết bị cảm biến.

[Image: den-pha-bang-hieu-thanh-hoa.png]

thiết bị cảm ứng cường độ ánh sáng:

Tính năng: Khi sở hữu sự thay đổi ánh sáng (ban ngày và ban đêm) thì thiết bị cảm biến sẽ tự điều chỉnh để bật, tắt hệ thống đèn led pha và đổi khác cường độ chiếu sáng cho tương xứng.

Dùng để: Lắp đặt cho đèn led pha sân vườn, đèn led pha cao áp và Khu Vực cổng ra vào.

Xem thêm : đèn đường led

Lưu ý: Phải chọn lựa thiết bị sở hữu bản lĩnh chống ẩm cao và cản được sự thay đổi của thời tiết.

dòng thiết bị cảm ứng chuyển động:

Tính năng: Khi có hoạt động của khách hàng, dòng thiết bị cảm ứng sẽ kích hoạt hệ thống đèn led pha bật sáng và tắt đi sau thời điểm chuyển động tạm dừng.

[Image: he-thong-chieu-sang-san-bong-co-nhan-tao.jpg]

Dùng để: Lắp đặt cho hệ thống đèn led pha chiếu sáng cầu thang, nhà dọn dẹp vệ sinh, nhà xe và hệ thống đèn led pha bảo vệ.

Lưu ý: Do mỗi dòng thiết bị có phạm vi hoạt động và khoảng cách cảm ứng không giống nhau, nên mỗi loại chỉ tương xứng cho một chỗ đứng nhất định.

khoảng cách cảm biến 2 m: Sử dụng cho cầu thang.

khoảng cách cảm biến 5 m: Sử dụng cho đèn led pha chiếu sáng trong nhà.

khoảng cách hiệu lực thực thi 10 m: Sử dụng cho hệ thống đèn led pha bảo vệ, báo động…

với tất cả 2 loại cảm biến ở trên, việc sử dụng thiết bị có pin dự trữ là quan trọng. Trong tình huống mất điện, còn nếu không sở hữu pin dự trữ thì những thông số kỹ thuật đã cài đặt: Thời gian bật, tắt, độ sáng, thời gian trễ … hoàn toàn có thể sẽ ảnh hưởng chuyển đổi.

với dòng thiết bị cảm ứng sở hữu trang bị nút bấm điều khiển bằng tay, cần lắp đặt ở chỗ thấp (1,2 -1,5 m) để thao tác, thiết lập thông số kỹ thuật khi quan trọng.

trên đấy là một số nguyên lý để dòng thiết bị chiếu sáng của bạn hoạt động hiệu quả hơn, auto trong việc điều chỉnh độ sáng, giờ chiếu sáng không chỉ là tiết kiệm điện mà còn dễ dàng hơn cho khách hàng.

công ty chúng tôi chuyên sản xuất và bán các thiết bị chiếu sáng có chất lượng và giá cả rất tốt. Xin sung sướng liên hệ theo Địa chỉ cửa hàng
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Những loại máy bơm tăng áp nước nóng Wilo thông dụng

Máy bơm nước nóng Wilo là một loại bơm thông dụng, phục vụ đa dạng các mong ước dân dụng, vô cùng hữu ích trong đời sống của mọi người. đặc biệt là với những hộ gia đình dùng hệ thống nước nóng năng lượng mặt trời.
Công ty Vimex chuyên cung cấp các dòng bơm công nghiệp, nếu quan tâm bạn có thể tìm hiểu thêm về máy khuấy chìm. Cam kết giá tốt, giao hàng tận nơi, sản phẩm chính hãng
Hôm nay chúng tôi xin gợi ý đến các bạn 5 loại bơm tăng áp nước nóng Wilo thông dụng hiện nay, mọi người có khả năng xem thêm và từ ấy chọn cho mình một máy bơm tăng áp phù hợp nhất với nhu cầu dùng nhé!
Máy bơm tăng áp chuyên dùng để bơm nước cho các khu vực có áp lực nước yếu như vòi sen hay máy giặt hoặc các hộ gia đình không có bể chứa trên cao. Máy bơm nước tăng áp có khả năng vận hành mạnh mẽ và bền bỉ, tiết kiệm điện. Vậy máy bơm nước tăng áp là gì? Ưu điểm của máy bơm nước tăng áp, cách lắp đặt máy bơm tăng áp như nào cho hiệu quả?
[Image: may-bom-tuan-hoan-nuoc-nong-wilo-ph-045e.jpg]
1. Máy bơm tăng áp điện tử chịu nhiệt Wilo PWI 200EAH
Máy bơm tăng áp chịu nhiệt Wilo PWI 200 EAH là dòng máy bơm tăng áp được hãng Wilo tích hợp nhiều chức năng tiên tiến cho máy như:
• Máy có khả năng khởi động chậm, có nghĩa lúc khởi động máy bơm sẽ tự động khởi động chậm 3 giây để bảo vệ động cơ và 1 vài linh kiện bên trong.
• Máy được tích hợp cảm biến mất nước tự ngắt: máy sẽ tự cúp điện sau khi trông thấy nguồn cấp ko có nước…hoặc mất nước.
• Cánh bơm của máy bơm tăng áp điện tử chịu nhiệt Wilo PWI 200EAH đc làm bằng đồng thau, nên máy có khả năng bơm đc mức nhiệt độ lên tới 100 độ C
Nếu có nhu cầu tìm hiểu thêm về Bơm khí nén dùng để bơm sơn, mời bạn theo click vào bài viết.
Bơm Wilo PWI 200 EAH được ứng dụng cực kỳ rộng khắp trong sinh hoạt đời sống hằng ngày, chuyên sử dụng để bơm nước sinh hoạt, tăng áp lực nước cho bình nóng lạnh, máy giặt, vòi hoa sen,... Và bơm nước để phục vụ việc tưới tiêu.

2. Máy bơm tăng áp điện tử Wilo PB 201 EA 200W
Máy bơm tăng áp điện Tử Wilo PB 201EA được chế tạo từ 1 số nguyên liệu cao cấp có độ bền cao.
Máy đc tích hợp cảm biến loại chảy, động cơ 100% bằng dây đồng Korean, cùng với đó chính là rơ le quá nhiệt, giúp đỡ bảo vệ động cơ.
Máy bơm tăng áp điện tử Wilo PB 201EA hoạt động cực kỳ êm ái, ko tạo nhiều tiếng ồn, mang đến sự thoải mái cho người sử dụng.

3. Máy bơm tăng áp điện tử chịu nhiệt Wilo PWI 550 EAH
Máy bơm tăng áp điện tử chịu nhiệt Wilo PWI 550 EAH có công suất 550 W, lưu lượng cao nhất 50L/phút, thích hợp dùng trong hệ thống tăng áp cho máy nước nóng, hệ thống máy nước nóng năng lượng mặt trời, tăng áp cho gia đình , biệt thự…
Mặt khác , đây là loại bơm rất thuận tiện trong lắp đặt, có thể điều chỉnh điều kiện lắp đặt đường ống đa hướng, bảo dưỡng và sửa chữa đơn giản, nhanh lẹ. Ngoài ra máy có khả năng bơm đc nguồn nước lên đến 100 độ C.

4. Máy bơm tăng áp điện tử Wilo PB 088EA 60W
Máy bơm tăng áp điện tử Wilo PB 088EA là một trong dòng bơm tăng áp điện tử của Wilo HQ , thuộc tập đoàn Wilo Đức.
Cánh bơm được chế tạo bằng nhưa Noryl chắc chắn, bền bỉ…phù hợp với điều kiện máy vận hàng nhiều giờ liên tiếp , chịu mài mòn cao trong môi trường nước nhiều tạp chất…
Nhờ có riêng cho mình nhiều điểm mạnh nổi trội , hoạt động với mức độ ổn định cao, độ ồn cực thấp, nên hiện nay bơm Wilo PB 088 EA đc khá nhiều khách hàng chọn lựa để bơm tăng áp cho máy giặt gia đình, bình nóng lạnh, vòi sen, chậu rửa,...

5. Máy bơm tăng áp điện tử WILO PB S125EA 130W
Bơm Wilo PB S125 EA cũng là một dòng bơm nổi trội của nhãn hiệu Wilo, máy được thiết kế gọn gàng , được trang bị rơ le nhiệt giúp đỡ bảo an động cơ ko bị quá nhiệt.
Máy đc thiết kế, kết cấu từ một vài nguyên vật liệu chất lượng tốt, thân được đúc bằng gang, trục bơm được làm bằng inox 316 chống rỉ sét tốt, xung quanh đc sơn tĩnh điện 3 lớp.
Ngoài ra, Vinmex cũng cung cấp thông tin về bơm bánh răng botou
công ty TNHH Vimex chuyên sản xuất 1 số dòng bơm công nghiệp chính hãng , chúng tôi với nhiều năm Hướng dẫn bảo đảm làm hài lòng mọi khách hàng khó tính nhất.
tất cả khía cạnh gọi điện ngay hotline: 0989775196 để đc hỗ trợ .
Xin cảm ơn!
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Ấn tượng với đèn led pha sân vườn siêu sáng

cuộc sống hiện đại ngổn ngang và hối hả làm bạn cần một bầu không khí gia đình ấm cúng, yên bình. Mọi mệt mỏi sẽ đc xóa tan dưới đèn led pha lấp lánh lung linh và căn yên tĩnh của khu vườn. Hay những bữa tiệc thân mật cùng hộ gia đình ngay trong chính khu vườn nhà sẽ là những giây phút thật ấm áp và ý nghĩa sâu sắc. để sở hữu được một khu vườn đẹp tươi ngoài sự chăm chút cây kiểng, chúng ta chớ nên bỏ sang 1 việc quan trọng là được thiết kế, sắp xếp đèn led pha sân vườn sang trọng.

[Image: den-pha-bang-hieu-thanh-hoa.png]

tính năng của khối hệ thống đèn led pha sân vườn?

Điều thứ nhất là ánh sáng của đèn sẽ soi rọi đường đi cho mọi người trong gia đình khi ra vườn vào buổi tối hoặc khi về nhà buổi tối. Ở những vị trí không có đèn đường, ánh sáng của đèn vườn thực sự cần thiết, nhằm giúp con người nhận ra rõ giao thông trong đêm hôm. Ánh sáng đặt dọc đường đi và ở những bậc thang nhằm mục đích chỉ rõ lối đi an toàn tránh đc các chướng ngại vật. để ngăn cản tai nạn xảy ra ngoài vườn vào buổi tối, nên đặt thêm những bóng đèn vào những chỗ không đủ sáng. Đèn trong vườn không chỉ nhằm mục đích chiếu sáng, mà còn hỗ trợ nhiệm vụ trang trí, giúp sân vườn cây lung linh hơn trong đêm.

Xem thêm : đèn đường led

[Image: he-thong-chieu-sang-san-bong-co-nhan-tao.jpg]

Cách bố trí đèn led pha sân vườn

Một mảnh vườn nhà chỉ còn cây cỏ, hoa và cỏ thật quá nhàm chán, đèn trang trí sân vườn sẽ là giải pháp ấn tượng cho bạn. có thể đặt những thiết bị chiếu sáng dưới những khóm cây, đặc biệt là những cây đang nở hoa và các cây sở hữu những nhánh tạo hình kỳ lạ có thể tạo ra các cảnh đặc sắc. Ánh sáng phát ra từ những khóm cây hay các ngọn đèn dùng để làm trang trí là các cụ thể huyền diệu, không chỉ là giúp cho khu vườn trở nên diễm lệ mỗi khi chiều xuống mà còn có tác dụng kích hoạt năng lượng, tạo thành một khung cảnh vui tươi và sở hữu hồn. khi sử dụng đèn vườn, chúng ta nên chủ tâm tạo ra các khoảng sáng có chủ định hơn là chiếu sáng toàn bộ khu vườn. cực tốt nên đặt đèn ở trong số lùm cây, dưới khóm hoa hoặc dọc theo lối đi.

Chọn mua đèn led pha sân vườn tốt chỗ nào ?

hiện giờ, ở trên Thị trường có tương đối nhiều đơn vị phân phối, bán đèn led pha sân vườn, trụ đèn led pha sân vườn. với sứ mệnh của trong những đơn vị luôn luôn đi đầu trong vấn đề chiếu sáng công ty chúng tôi sẽ đưa đến cho bạn các sản phẩm tốt nhất có thể có giá cả lôi cuốn không chỉ về thiết bị chiếu sáng sân vườn. chính vì thế hãy liên hệ với Cửa Hàng chúng tôi, các bạn sẽ đc tư vấn những giải pháp chiếu sáng phù hợp và bền vững và kiên cố, đem lại giá trị lâu hơn cho dự án.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Cột đèn led pha sân vườn độ bền cao

mặt phẳng đc bảo vệ bằng anot hóa và sơn phủ màu trang trí đảm bảo tính thẩm mỹ và nâng cấp thời gian và tác dụng sử dụng, bền vũng có thời tiết khắc nghiệt, va chạm mạnh bên phía ngoài.

Cột đèn led pha sân vườn có thiết kế có đế cột bằng gang đúc, thân cột bằng ống nhôm đúc, sở hữu 2 lần bán kính Ø108.

với các loại tay chùm ở trên ta thực hiện lắp các loại đèn led pha sân vườn cho cột tùy thuộc vào sự chọn lựa của mỗi người :

[Image: den-pha-bang-hieu-thanh-hoa.png]

Chiều cao sân vườn tính từ đế cột và thân: 3,7m. Chiều cao của chùm đèn tuỳ theo từng loại: 1,12m – 1,25m.

chú ý lắp đặt thiết bị:

thông số kỹ thuật bảo vệ của một vài sản phẩm cảm ứng khá thấp (IP từ 20-25), đặc biệt là phần mắt từ cảm biến nên tránh đặt dòng thiết bị ở vị trí liên tục bị va chạm.

khoảng cách cảm biến của thiết bị không quá 12 m. to hơn khoảng cách này, hoạt động vui chơi của mắt từ sẽ không đạt tác dụng.

Xem thêm : đèn đường led

có dòng thiết bị cảm biến cường độ ánh sáng, không để chịu ảnh hưởng bởi các nguồn sáng khác vì sẽ làm giảm độ chính xác của mắt cảm ứng.

với dòng thiết bị cảm ứng sử dụng tia hồng ngoại, góc quét của mắt cảm ứng là 360 độ, cần tránh những vật cản: Kính, gỗ… Nếu góc quét không bao quát được toàn thể phạm vi hoạt động thì phần tử cảm ứng, điều khiển bật, tắt chuyển động không chính xác.

[Image: he-thong-chieu-sang-san-bong-co-nhan-tao.jpg]

để cho sân vườn thêm cầu kì, bạn cũng có thể trang trí thêm những cái đèn hộp đẹp đẽ đc che bằng kính màu có hoa văn hay các cây nến thơm mùi dầu sả đc đặt rải rác Một trong những chiếc ly thủy tinh cao. Ánh sáng phát ra từ các khóm cây hay các ngọn đèn dùng để làm trang trí không những giúp cho khu vườn trở nên diễm lệ mỗi một khi chiều xuống mà còn tạo thành một khung cảnh sung sướng và sở hữu hồn. Cây đc chiếu sáng từ bên dưới, đặc biệt là cây đang nở hoa và các cây sở hữu các nhánh tạo hình kỳ lạ có thể tạo thành cảnh rực rỡ. Khi đặt đèn có công suất thấp lẫn vào cây, mặt đất dưới sẽ hiện ra các Ảnh lấp lánh huyền ảo trong thật ưa nhìn.

ngày nay, cuộc sống thường ngày lập cập, tấp nập, mỗi một khi đi làm việc về con người đều muốn tìm một căn riêng để giảm stress và để thư giãn sau mỗi ngày đi làm mệt nhọc. đáp ứng được yêu cầu đó, đơn vị Cửa Hàng chúng tôi phát hành không ít dòng sản phẩm cột đèn chiếu sáng sân vườn, đèn led pha sân vườn có phong cách dáng hiện đại. chúng ta cũng có thể yên tâm khi chọn lựa dòng sản phẩm của Cửa Hàng chúng tôi.

Hãy liên lạc với công ty chúng tôi bất cứ bao giờ bạn cần để được tư vấn tốt nhất:
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Why Paper Planners Are Better Than Digital Planners and Calendars

Why Paper Planners Are Better Than Digital Planners and Calendars

If you thought stickers were the preserve of toddlers’ books and playgrounds, think again. Branded stickers are now among the fashion industry’s most sought-after items, something to slap on laptops and lunchboxes as a way of conveying an affinity with a label at a fraction of the cost of buying its goods.

Last week, skateboard brand Palace released its winter sticker pack and it sold out within an hour. With other rare versions, such as a single Supreme x Playboy sticker, reselling online for as much as £200, the big-name fashion brands are also jumping on the bandwagon.

Calvin Klein Jeans recently made stickers using a classic 1980s image by Richard Avedon of Brooke Shields, while the fashion brand Coach has produced leather stickers, and Berlin’s hip o32c magazine featured sticker sheets from Louis Vuitton’s creative director, Virgil Abloh. A partnership between the luggage manufacturer Rimowa and Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson yielded a limited edition of suitcase stickers that sold out immediately.

“It shows you’re part of a subculture,” said Dominik Pollin, of the Dover Street Market bookstore, Idea.

Michael Kopelman, managing director at Stüssy, said: “It’s fun. You can put them on your car or lunchbox. It’s like tagging. Most won’t notice it, but the people who are interested do spot it.”

Although councils in England and Wales restrict flyers and stickers in public places, they are increasingly appearing on lamp-posts and billboards across the country.

Alex Powis, co-founder of Stickerarchive, an online collection of popular graphics, said: “Slapping a sticker up … is instant, whereas graffiti takes time and guts. It’s like coded messaging.”

Traditionally not for sale by fashion labels, stickers have become an affordable way to tap into a brand. “There’s been a surge of interest in streetwear, lately and stickers are a core part of those cultures,” said Powis.

Sarah Andelman, founder of the French concept store Colette, is a collector herself. “I have about three boxes full of all kinds of stickers that I started keeping from the age of 15,” she said.

Instagram accounts such as Supstickers, dedicated to indexing and reselling stickers, have more than 50,000 followers. Edson Sabajo, CEO of Dutch streetwear brand Patta, said that sticker fans were taking part in the decades-old pastime of collecting.

“Ours reference the latest graphics and give you a memory about a certain timeframe. That’s why they’re always changing,” he said. “People collect them all.”

Others agree that the trend is a move away from the internet towards a more DIY approach. “In the last few months, I’ve been making more stickers,” said the electronic musician James Lavelle. “There’s something about having physical things that’s the opposite to a huge digital marketing campaign. There’s an authenticity about them.”

Why Paper Planners Are Better Than Digital Planners and Calendars

No matter if you’re a die-hard business person, freelance artist, stay-at-home parent or an office regular, you must have some sort of a system to plan, organize and prioritize your tasks and events. That system is crucial to getting things done – whether it stays on your Google calendar, all over your fridge on post-its, or on your paper planner.

The rise of digital devices has heavily diminished our habits of note taking, journaling and plan setting on paper. Do you even remember the last time you wrote down more than 2 sentences by hand? Whatever we do and wherever we go, we seem to never forget to take our phones with us. So, clearly, many are moving their organizational systems to the digital world. 

However, despite the trends, the industry of paper planners, agendas, and productivity journals seems to be well off. More and more people are interested in owning a paper agenda and using it daily. This time we wanted to take a deeper look at the matter – what really makes paper planners better than digital planners? What are the benefits?

We did some research and found 5 science-backed benefits you’d enjoy if you switched to paper planner. Also, gift boxes are better as paper, rather than digital ones.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

What Is LiFePO4 And Why Is It A Better Choice?

What Is LiFePO4 And Why Is It A Better Choice?

All lithium chemistries are not created equal. In fact, most American consumers – electronic enthusiasts aside – are only familiar with a limited range of lithium solutions. The most common versions are built from cobalt oxide, manganese oxide and nickel oxide formulations.

First, let’s take a step back in time. Lithium-ion batteries are a much newer innovation and have only been around for the last 25 years. Over this time, lithium technologies have increased in popularity as they have proven to be valuable in powering smaller electronics – like laptops and cell phones. But as you may recall from several news stories over recent years, lithium-ion batteries also gained a reputation for catching fire. Until recent years, this was one of the main reasons lithium wasn&39;t commonly used to create large battery banks.

But then came along lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4). This newer type of lithium solution was inherently non-combustible, while allowing for slightly lower energy density. LiFePO4 batteries were not only safer, they had many advantages over other lithium chemistries, particularly for high power applications.

Although lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries aren’t exactly new, they’re just now picking up traction in Global commercial markets. Here’s a quick breakdown on what distinguishes LiFePO4 from the other lithium battery solutions:

Safety And Stability

LiFePO4 batteries are best known for their strong safety profile, the result of extremely stable chemistry. Phosphate-based batteries offer superior thermal and chemical stability which provides an increase in safety over lithium-ion batteries made with other cathode materials. Lithium phosphate cells are incombustible, which is an important feature in the event of mishandling during charging or discharging. They can also withstand harsh conditions, be it freezing cold, scorching heat or rough terrain.

When subjected to hazardous events, such as collision or short-circuiting, they won’t explode or catch fire, significantly reducing any chance of harm. If you’re selecting a lithium battery and anticipate use in hazardous or unstable environments, LiFePO4 is likely your best choice.


Performance is a major factor in determining which type of battery to use in a given application. Long life, slow self-discharge rates and less weight make lithium iron batteries an appealing option as they are expected to have a longer shelf life than lithium-ion. Service life usually clocks in at five to ten years or longer, and runtime significantly exceeds lead-acid batteries and other lithium formulations. Battery charging time is also considerably reduced, another convenient performance perk. So, if you’re looking for a battery to stand the test of time and charge quickly, LiFePO4 is the answer.

Space Efficiency

Also worth mentioning is LiFePO4’s space-efficient characteristics. At one-third the weight of most lead-acid batteries and almost half the weight of the popular manganese oxide, LiFePO4 provides an effective way to make use of space and weight. Making your product more efficient overall.  

Environmental Impact

LiFePO4 batteries are non-toxic, non-contaminating and contain no rare earth metals, making them an environmentally conscious choice. Lead-acid and nickel oxide lithium high rate batteries carry significant environmental risk (especially lead acid, as internal chemicals degrade structure over team and eventually cause leakage). There is also VRLA battery.

Compared to lead-acid and other lithium batteries, lithium iron phosphate batteries offer significant advantages, including improved discharge and charge efficiency, longer life span and the ability to deep cycle while maintaining performance. LiFePO4 batteries often come with a higher price tag, but a much better cost over life of the product, minimal maintenance and infrequent replacement makes them a worthwhile investment and a smart long-term solution.

A lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery is an advanced battery technology that uses lithium ions as a key component of its electrochemistry. During a discharge cycle, lithium atoms in the anode are ionized and separated from their electrons. The lithium ions move from the anode and pass through the electrolyte until they reach the cathode, where they recombine with their electrons and electrically neutralize. The lithium ions are small enough to be able to move through a micro-permeable separator between the anode and cathode. In part because of lithium’s small size (third only to hydrogen and helium), Li-ion batteries are capable of having a very high voltage and charge storage per unit mass and unit volume.

Li-ion batteries can use a number of different materials as electrodes. The most common combination is that of lithium cobalt oxide (cathode) and graphite (anode), which is most commonly found in portable electronic devices such as cellphones and laptops. Other cathode materials include lithium manganese oxide (used in hybrid electric and electric automobiles) and lithium iron phosphate. Li-ion batteries typically use ether (a class of organic compounds) as an electrolyte.

What are some advantages of Li-ion batteries?

Compared to the other high-quality rechargeable battery technologies (nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal-hydride), Li-ion batteries have a number of advantages. They have one of the highest energy densities of any battery technology today (100-265 Wh/kg or 250-670 Wh/L). In addition, Li-ion battery cells, including a 3.2V Lithium Battery Cell, can deliver up to 3.6 Volts, 3 times higher than technologies such as Ni-Cd or Ni-MH. This means that they can deliver large amounts of current for high-power applications, which has Li-ion batteries are also comparatively low maintenance, and do not require scheduled cycling to maintain their battery life. Li-ion batteries have no memory effect, a detrimental process where repeated partial discharge/charge cycles can cause a battery to ‘remember’ a lower capacity. This is an advantage over both Ni-Cd and Ni-MH, which display this effect. Li-ion batteries also have low self-discharge rate of around 1.5-2% per month. They do not contain toxic cadmium, which makes them easier to dispose of than Ni-Cd batteries.

Due to these advantages, Li-ion deep cycle batteries have displaced Ni-Cd batteries as the market leader in portable electronic devices (such as smartphones and laptops). Li-ion batteries, like a 12V lithium battery, are also used to power electrical systems for some aerospace applications, notable in the new and more environmentally friendly Boeing 787, where weight is a significant cost factor. From a clean energy perspective, much of the promise of Li-ion technology comes from their potential applications in battery-powered cars. Currently, the bestselling electric cars, the Nissan Leaf and the Tesla Model S, both use Li-ion batteries as their primary fuel source.

What are some disadvantages of Li-ion batteries?

Despite their technological promise, Li-ion batteries still have a number of shortcomings, particularly with regards to safety. Li-ion batteries have a tendency to overheat, and can be damaged at high voltages. In some cases this can lead to thermal runaway and combustion. This has caused significant problems, notably the grounding of the Boeing 787 fleet after onboard battery fires were reported. Because of the risks associated with these batteries, a number of shipping companies refuse to perform bulk shipments of batteries by plane. Li-ion batteries require safety mechanisms to limit voltage and internal pressures, which can increase weight and limit performance in some cases. Li-ion gel batteries are also subject to aging, meaning that they can lose capacity and frequently fail after a number of years. Another factor limiting their widespread adoption is their cost, which is around 40% higher than Ni-Cd. Addressing these issues is a key component for current research into the technology. Finally, despite the high energy density of Li-ion compared to other kinds of batteries, they are still around a hundred times less energy dense than gasoline (which contains 12,700 Wh/kg by mass or 8760 Wh/L by volume).
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Common Myths About Nuts and Dried Fruits

Common Myths About Nuts and Dried Fruits

Nuts and dried fruits have been in our diets for a long time and, in recent years their health benefits and the importance of adding them into our daily lives is getting more widely known. But even so, nuts and dried fruits have still been suffering some myths related with their health benefits or nutrient content - some of them true and some of them false. In this article we are going to uncover the truths and debunk the myths about nuts and dried fruits.

Myth 1: Nut Consumption Leads to Weight Gain

The belief that dried nuts are a fattening food has been commonly accepted for decades and therefore, it has long been assumed that nut intake leads to a weight gain. It is true that nuts are energy-dense foods and also high in fat, but they are especially high in unsaturated fats, also known as healthy fats. Research evidence showed us that when compared to a nut-free diet, the presence of nuts in a diet leads to a more moderate weight increase. The results revealed that those participants who had consumed more nuts (more than one serving per week), incorporated to a standard diet, did gain weight, but less than those who hadn’t. Another study concluded that incorporating nuts as part of a healthy dietary pattern by replacing less healthful foods may help mitigate the gradual weight gain common during adulthood, and beneficially contribute to the prevention of obesity.

Moreover, incorporating almonds into your diet, for example as a mid-morning snack may help reduce overall hunger, so they also may be effective for appetite control. And, a daily intake of 44 g of pistachios over 12 weeks may help improve nutrient intake without affecting body weight.

Myth 2: Walnuts May Help Improve Brain Health

The Greeks called the walnut “karyon” (head), because it looks like a myths about nutshuman brain. For this same reason, for centuries the Chinese have believed that walnut kernel are good for the brain. This fact is, is that this fact is not false at all. Recent research suggests that walnut consumption may help improve cognitive function (brain health) and may also reduce the risk of other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, depression and type 2 diabetes, which are risk factors for the development of dementia. Now there a reason to add walnuts to your diet.

Myth 3: The Sugar Content of Dried Fruits Promotes Dental Cavities?

Traditional dried fruit is simply fresh fruit with water removed. They contain naturally occurring sugars (not added sugars), with fructose and glucose being the most common. Due to their stickiness and natural sugar content, it has been thought that dried fruits could cause tooth decay. This is the case of an urban myth according to Jennette Higgs, Registered Public Health Nutritionist & Dietitian, and principal consultant for Food to Fit. Scientific evidence suggests the contrary. For example, bioactive compounds found in raisins appear to have antimicrobial properties that inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

Advice on dried fruit consumption should also take into account their nutritional benefits, being a source of fiber, low in fat and containing useful levels of micronutrients.

Myth 4: Soaked Import Nuts Better for You

soaking nuts mythRecommendations to soak nuts prior to consumption to reduce phytate concentrations and improve gastrointestinal tolerance have received much attention in the popular press. Phytates or phytic acid is a substance found in plants that when eaten by humans, can reduce absorption of nutrients (specially minerals) from the diet. For that reason, soaking nuts before eating them has been so popular in recent years. This is despite no supporting scientific evidence for the practice.

However, a 2018 study, primarily assessed the effects of soaking almonds on consumer acceptance and secondly assessed effects on gastrointestinal tolerance. Results observed that nuts were well tolerated gastrointestinally, but soaking does not improve gastrointestinal tolerance or acceptance as claimed in the lay literature. With regards their phytate content, soaking resulted in lower mineral concentrations, especially for chopped nuts. But this research does not support claims that &39;activating&39; or soaking nuts results in greater nutrient bioavailability/absorption.

Myth 5: Raw vs. Roasted Nuts

Many people wonder whether raw nuts are healthier than roasted, like pumpkin kernel. It is a common myth that some people think that with the roasting process the nutritional properties in nuts, specially vitamins and minerals, could decrease. The fact is that nuts are generally roasted to improve their taste, aroma and crunchy texture.

To prove the point, Raw vs. Roasted Nutsscientific studies observed that nuts roasted at suitable temperature and time demonstrated excellent antioxidant activities therefore showing that, when done correctly, roasting does not affect nutritional properties in nuts.

Sunflower seeds: Nutritional and health benefits

Sunflower seeds kernel are popular health foods that people commonly consume in trail mix, breakfast cereals, or straight from the bag as a snack. They contain beneficial nutrients, including healthy fats, minerals, and antioxidant compounds.

Health benefits

Including sunflower seeds in the diet can offer health benefits. The following sections discuss these potential benefits in more detail.

Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial

ResearchTrusted Source suggests sunflower seeds are:




wound healing

The beneficial effects are due to compounds such as phenols, tannins, and saponins.

People with diabetes can produce advanced glycation end products that can cause damage to the body. Sunflower seeds contain compounds that can inhibit these substances.

Cynarin in sunflower seeds kernel can lower triglycerides and cholesterol, an effect that may potentially benefit people with hyperglycemia or hyperlipidemia.

A small pilot studyTrusted Source of 50 adults with obesity found that sunflower seed extract reduced blood cholesterol and benefited body weight and fat mass.

However, as participants took a concentrated extract, this may not yield the same effects as consuming sunflower seeds. Additionally, researchers instructed participants to consume 500 fewer calories than their usual diet, which would also result in weight loss.

Healthy skin and bones

Sunflower seeds, with spices added, contain omega-6 fatty acids, which people require for healthy skin.

Research indicates that essential fatty acid deficiency significantly affects skin function and appearance. With this in mind, including sources of essential fatty acids in the diet may help prevent skin conditions, such as dermatitis, and reduce the effects of aging on the skin.

Sunflower seeds also contain zinc, an essentialTrusted Source mineral for skin health, and minerals, including magnesium, calcium, and phosphorous for healthy bones.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

How Bad Is It Really to Never Change Your Pillow?

How Bad Is It Really to Never Change Your Pillow?

It&39;s no secret that a comfortable, supportive pillow is an important ingredient in a good night's sleep. But what may come as a surprise is how often you're supposed to invest in a new one. According to the Sleep Foundation, you should replace your pillow every one to two years for optimal R&R.

Curious about the reasoning behind these guidelines? Us too — so we reached out to experts for some pillow talk. Here, we reveal what can go wrong if your pillow dates back to the Bush administration, plus signs it's time for a new pillow and tips to extend that two-year lifespan a little longer.

Your Sleep Could Suffer

A squashed-down pillow can cause tense, achy muscles.

Pillows lose their loft over time, especially if you don't wash them regularly, says Ann Romaker, MD, professor of medicine and director of the University of Cincinnati Medical Center Sleep Medicine Center. As they flatten, they offer less neck support, which can lead to neck, shoulder and upper back pain.

If you're uncomfortable, you might toss and turn at night instead of falling into a deep, restorative sleep.

Sleeping on a pancake can also hinder breathing. According to Dr. Romaker, 85 percent of people are born with a deviated nasal septum, where the membrane dividing the nasal cavity is off-center to some degree. This can cause congestion, particularly when lying down.

For most people with a deviated septum, elevating your head helps with nasal drainage, she says. If your travel pillow is quite flat, your nose might clog up more.

Being stuffed up means you have to work harder to inhale and exhale. When you're congested and struggling to breathe, you wake up more frequently during the night, Dr. Romaker says. In the worst-case scenario, it can even cause snoring.

One trick that can help: Rotate which pillow you use, and flip it over so you're not sleeping on the same side every night, Dr. Romaker says. It will stay fluffier for longer and give you better support.

You Might Break Out

Think about it: Your skin and hair are constantly shedding and eliminating oils, and pillows are rubbing against your skin and hair all night long.

Pillows collect these dead skin cells and oils, along with all the products you typically add to your skin and hair, says board-certified dermatologist Cheri Frey, MD, spokesperson for the Skin of Color Society and assistant professor of dermatology at Howard University. Plus, if you drool or sweat when you sleep, that saliva and perspiration can also be absorbed by your pillow.

The upshot? You're pretty much snoozing in a cesspool of filth — and that can wreak havoc on your skin. The combination of oils, dead skin cells, saliva and sweat are a breeding ground for bacteria, Dr. Frey says. This can cause problems like clogged pores, whiteheads and even cysts.

One way to keep your skin happy while you sleep: Stick to natural, breathable airplane pillowcase fabrics such as cotton or linen. Dr. Frey says they're best for acne-prone or sensitive skin, because they reduce nighttime sweating.

And although washing your pillows in hot water will also minimize bacteria growth and help keep your skin clear, you still do need to swap them out entirely every now and then. Pillows will begin to break down after about two years, Dr. Frey says. After that, they're more difficult to keep clean and more likely to cause skin irritation.

You May Sneeze and Sniffle

Dust mites are a common allergen. These microscopic bugs live practically everywhere in your home, but they especially love to burrow into fabric-covered items, including mattresses, upholstered furniture and — you guessed it — pillows.

After two years, 10 percent of the weight of your pillow can be from dead dust mites and their droppings, says Melanie Carver, chief mission officer for the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Yuck!

Old pillows can also harbor other things that make you achoo — like bacteria, fungi and mold.

4 Signs It’s Time for a New Pillow

If any of the following are true for you, a pillow upgrade is in order.

1. It's Lumpy and Bumpy

If it forms peaks and valleys, feels crumbly inside and doesn't maintain its shape, consider purchasing a new one, Dr. Romaker says.

2. You’re Doubling Up

If you find yourself reaching for a second hoodie pillow or sliding your hands underneath your pillow to prop yourself up, that's a sign it's time to recycle it, Dr. Romaker says.

3. The Cover Looks Filthy

I sometimes see people with yellow, stained casings on their pillow, Dr. Romaker says. They've probably been holding onto it for too long.

4. It Fails the Fold Test

Fold your pillow in half when it's freshly washed and dried. Does it stay that way, or does it spring back open again? If yours doesn't bounce back, ditch it, suggests the Sleep Foundation.

5 Ways to Make Your Pillow Last Longer

It's possible to stretch the life of your pillow beyond the two-year mark. Here's how:

1. Wash It

First things first: You gotta keep it clean. Clean pillows have more loft, Dr. Romaker says.

Carver recommends washing uncovered pillows in water that's at least 130°F on a monthly basis to control the buildup of oil, dead skin cells and allergens.

But because a hot-water wash also causes the material to degrade more quickly and become misshapen, try the following tips to stretch out the time between washes and coax more life out of your pillow.

2. Cover It Up

Using a zippered allergy-resistant or plastic neck pillowcase cover will decrease the need to wash the entire pillow, Carver says.

3. Change Your Case More Often Than You Think

I recommend washing [your pillowcase] twice a week at a minimum, Dr. Frey says. Using a fresh pillowcase will allow you to cut down the number of times you wash your actual bed pillow to every three to four months.

When you wash your pillow: Use a hypoallergenic detergent and avoid fabric softener and dryer sheets, which can be irritating for sensitive skin, Dr. Frey says.

4. Choose the Right Pillow

Some [types of pillows], like memory foam, retain their shape better than others, Dr. Romaker says. They can also be contoured so that they support more of the neck.

5. Scrub Up Before Bed

Dirt and oil make the filling of your pillow break down faster.

Wash your face and wrap your hair up away from your face, Dr. Frey says. This can keep your pillow dirt- and bacteria-free for longer.

One Thing You Should Never Do to Your Pillow

Sometimes people will fold or roll an old, flat pillow to give it more height. But that can backfire.

It can cause your chin to tilt down toward your throat, cutting off your air supply, Dr. Romaker says. It can also make your mouth drop open, which heightens your risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease and gingivitis.

According to a January 2020 study in Bioinformation, mouth-breathing reduces saliva production — and because saliva neutralizes acid in the mouth and flushes away bacteria, having a Sahara-dry mouth makes you prone to cavities and periodontal disease.

But that's not all: You're also more likely to snore, which is a risk factor for stroke, Dr. Romaker says.

So, How Bad Is It Really to Use the Same Pillow Forever?

In the grand scheme of things, it's not that bad — as long as you aren't experiencing negative repercussions.

If you are young and comfy and getting a good night's sleep, then you are fine, Dr. Romaker says. If you wake up tired and sore, then you need to start with a new pillow or cushion, or a back cushion.

People with allergies or breakouts should also try to stick to the two-year guideline.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Tracing the evolution of bending knowledge, bending machines, bender tooling

Tracing the evolution of bending knowledge, bending machines, bender tooling

If you were to read a collection of tube bending articles written at various times over the last three decades, you might be surprised by how much bending technology has changed, especially within the last 20 years. Benders have advanced, new features have been developed, and bending knowledge has improved and spread.

To get a sense of how much the industry has advanced, consider two people doing two different things in the early 1990s. One is a tube bender technician working for an aircraft parts manufacturer. He’s well-versed in bending technology and bending machine and knows the combinations of tubing alloys, tooling sets, lubricants, and bender settings that result in tight-radius, repeatable bends. The other owns a pickup truck, and he’s changing the spark plugs. The truck is so big and has so much room to spare under the hood that he sits on the fender with his legs inside the engine compartment. He rests his feet on the wheel well as he works.

What do these two activities have to do with each other? Everything.

A Tale of 1D Bends in Two Industries

The aircraft industry has always been one of innovation. From the first flight in 1903, the technology it used to build aircraft was almost unrecognizable a mere 50 years later. Wooden frames covered in cloth and internal combustion engines had been replaced by aluminum airframes, aluminum skins, and jet-powered engines. The first flights were measured in seconds for time and feet for distance; five decades later, jets were flying for hours and hundreds of miles. Always space- and weight-conscious, aircraft companies led the way in reducing component size and weight. In tube bending or pipe bending machine, this means tighter bending radii and thinner walls. By the 1990s, it wasn’t uncommon for a tubular aircraft part to have a bending radius equal to the tube’s diameter, known as a 1D bend.

Back then, the automobile industry wasn’t as weight-conscious as it is now, and most vehicles were bigger than they really needed to be. The corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) legislation, which mandated the fuel efficiency for passenger cars and light trucks, didn’t change much in the1990s. After the initial target, 17.2 miles per gallon (MPG) for two-wheel-drive trucks and 15.8 MPG for four-wheel-drive trucks in 1979, they climbed to 20.7 and 19.1 by 1991. After that they rose slowly, just 1.4 MPG over the next 15 years. Gasoline was little more than &36;1 per gallon throughout much of the 1990s; consumers were hardly clamoring for fuel efficiency, so automobile manufactures didn’t have much incentive to reduce vehicle weight or size. In the early ‘90s most automotive applications used centerline radii larger than 1.5D and straight lengths between bends long enough for a standard 2D clamp and insert. Exhaust systems were big and cumbersome, so engine compartments were large to accommodate them.

The automotive industry at the time hadn’t started the big push to lighten cars and make them more fuel-efficient. Exhaust tubing was 0.060 to 0.080 inch thick, and in the ‘90s, some considered 0.060 in. to be thin wall.

Reducing Straight Lengths, Eliminating Welds. At that time, 1D bending was limited to elbows, or single bends, which were welded to straight sections to produce complete components—a time-consuming way to make a part.

In the early to mid-1990s the straights between bends shortened to less than 2D. Stack benders become the coveted machines of the time. The early stack machines were limited to either two or three tools: The so-called two-stack and three-stack machines with shearing machine. The latest generation of machines is more advanced still. They have a specific stack height but can accommodate as many tools as can fit onto the stack.

In that same time period a three-stack machine held a single straight clamp and two bend dies, so part designers still had limitations: either use the same straight clamp for every bend on a given part, or design the part so it used several straight clamps, which required additional tooling setups. The tradeoff was design creativity versus production efficiency.

The auto industry followed the aircraft industry by reducing the bend radii, which ultimately led to a new machine equipment feature: Boost. This process, a pushing force that advances the tube into the bend die, gave manufacturers the ability to make several 1D bends in succession with no straight length between the bends. In other words, make a 1D bend, rotate the tube a bit, and make another 1D bend right after the previous one. Voila! A compound 1D bend.

Bend and Cut. In the late 1990s another innovation came along to improve production efficiency and conserve material: Cutting the tube immediately after bending. Bender manufacturers developed various types of bender cutoffs, but combining bending and trimming on one machine wasn’t viable for every application. One disadvantage was that the time needed to trim the tube on the bender uses more bender time, so less tubing was being bent in a specified time. Fabricators soon learned that cutting and trimming in a second operation allowed the bender to bend more parts.

Tooling Evolves Too

Wiper dies also have changed. The wiper prevents the terminal hump or wrinkle on the inside radius of the bend. Many companies have switched to inserted wiper dies, which cost much less than conventional wipers and are considered disposable. The older style, which is a squareback, is more expensive but can be recut and reused several times

The squareback type is much more rigid than the disposable type and therefore works better for 1D applications. The key setting for wiper dies is the rake, which is the maximum angle relative to the tube’s centerline at which the wiper can be set before the terminal hump forms. More rather than less rake is normally desirable because increasing the rake angle increases wiper life.

As materials have gotten thinner and bending radii smaller, more pressure has been applied to make good bends without wrinkles, and the wiper tower needs to be rigid enough to maintain position when this additional force is applied. While machine builders, including slip roll machine, incorporated one innovation after another, the one area that seemed to be neglected was the wiper towers, the posts to which the wipers were mounted. Bends have increased in severity, but among many bending machine manufacturers, wiper die towers have stayed the same.

Any experienced bend technician knows that a wiper tower that deflects during bending creates several problems, especially wrinkles. The setup person has a difficult time setting the wiper because all of the rules he or she knows no longer apply and uncertainty sets in. How to set the wiper on a tower that moves during bending? It’s impossible to say. A wiper tower that moves introduces a variable that nobody wants to deal with.

Replacing the bender’s original wiper stack with a heavy-duty wiper tower might be the way to go. A heavy-duty, multistack wiper tower might seem expensive in the short term, but this investment has long-term benefits. The two offsets are less scrap (a waste of material and time) and less downtime needed to resolve setup problems. In shops that have a handful of troublesome applications, the cost can be justified without too much effort, and the return on investment comes quickly.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

How to Choose Luggage, Packs and Bags

How to Choose Luggage, Packs and Bags

Having the right type of luggage, pack or bag for your travels can make packing up and hopping on a plane or hitting the road easier and less stressful. But with so many styles to choose from, deciding which one is right for you can be a challenge. This article breaks down the different types of luggage and offers advice on choosing the right size, weight and level of durability. It also goes over features like wheels, laptop compartments and carry-on compatibility.

Types of Luggage, Bags and Packs

There are three broad categories of luggage: wheeled luggage, travel packs and travel duffels. When deciding which one is right for you, it can be helpful to think about things like where you’re going, how you’re getting there and what you plan to do when you get there.

Wheeled Luggage

The obvious advantage of luggage, packs and bags with wheels is how easy they are to transport through the airport and down smooth streets and sidewalks. There are three types of wheeled luggage: rolling luggage, wheeled duffels and wheeled backpacks.

Rolling luggage: Designed for traditional travelers, rolling luggage is what you see most people pulling behind them at an airport. They come in a range of sizes and typically feature sturdy construction made to handle the rigors of luggage transport systems. They are generally best for business travel, family visits, road trips and travel to urban areas.

Wheeled duffels: Nothing swallows up gear like a duffel bag, and one with wheels is a good choice for multisport travelers. If your adventures frequently require gear of widely varying sizes and shapes, a rolling duffel is a smart way to corral it all. For light packers, a carry-on wheeled duffel offers less space but allows you to forgo the time and expense of checking a luggage bags and cases. Wheeled duffels are a good choice for adventure travel requiring bulky or odd-shaped gear, family trips and road trips. To learn more about duffel options, read about travel duffels below.

Wheeled backpacks: Popular with adventure travelers, these combine the convenience of wheeled luggage with the mobility of a backpack. You can transport lots of gear with a simple pull of the extendable handle. Facing heavy foot traffic or a long flight of stairs? Strap on the shoulder straps and hip belt for hands-free carrying convenience. Wheeled backpacks are typically best for adventure travel and road trips. To learn more about backpacks, see the travel packs section below.

Travel Duffels

These range from basic duffels that you throw over a shoulder to wheeled duffels with extendable handles (to learn about wheeled duffels, see the Wheeled Luggage section of this article.) The primary advantage of duffels over other options is their simple design. They’re easy to use and generally feature one large space for packing your gear and clothing. Of course, this could be a disadvantage if you’re the super-organized type who needs separate pockets and compartments to stay sane. (One way to stay organized in a duffel is to pack your things in travel cubes or stuff sacks.)

Duffel bags, or tote bags, are available in many sizes, from compact carry-on handbags that have a capacity of 20–30 liters and will hold a weekend&39;s worth of clothes on up to massive duffels that hold 100 liters or more for adventures that require tons of gear.

Traditional duffel bags that don’t have wheels might seem old-fashioned given how easy wheels can make transport. But, for adventures to remote places with bumpy, unpaved streets, wheels will be more trouble than they are worth, and they will add several pounds to the overall weight of the bag. Not only are traditional duffels lighter, they are also more pliable than those that have wheels, making them easier to stuff in the backs of cars, load onto roof racks or strap to a pack animal. These duffels are also easier to store (no rigid parts, so they fold up smaller) and typically less expensive. They are a great option for climbers, adventure travelers and people on a budget who need to haul a lot of gear. Bags can also be used as cosmetic bags and cases, cooler bags, and shopping bags, etc.

Travel Packs

These travel-friendly backpacks excel where wheeled luggage cannot: on gravel, cobblestone streets, stairs and other uneven terrain. Travel packs are like other backpacks in terms of how you wear them and the support they provide, but they have travel-specific features, such as organization pockets, hideaway hipbelts and shoulder straps, and built-in security features, like lockable zippers. They are ideal for travelers who want to be very mobile and are okay with carrying everything on their backs.

How to Determine the Right Size Luggage, Pack or Bag

The right size luggage, bag or pack depends on things like trip length, type of trip and your packing habits. Buying a bag that’s larger than you need may seem like a good idea, but we recommend against this because you’ll be tempted to fill up any extra space you have.

Here are some things to consider when determining what size bag to get:

Consider the length and type of trip you’re taking. Are you going on a serious adventure that requires tents, sleeping bags, stoves, climbing gear and more? If so, you’re going to need a large bag (or several) to haul all that. But, if you’re going on a simple weekend getaway that requires a couple changes of clothes and toiletries, then a compact bagpack will work just fine.

Here are some approximate guidelines to give you a sense of luggage and duffel sizes (by volume in liters) and how much they can accommodate:

30-50 liters: In general, luggage that has a capacity of about 50 liters or less is sufficient for a weekend trip. There are lots of carry-on duffels, packs and bags in this size range to choose from.

50-75 liters: For a trip that lasts one to two weeks, many people jump up to a bag in this range.

75 liters-100+ liters: For big expeditions, travelers typically need several large bags that can hold 75 liters or more each. (Keep in mind, of course, that the larger the bag, the heavier it is to haul. Multiple smaller bags might be easier to transport.

Are you a minimalist packer or do you bring along lots of extras? Some people can get by with a compact carry-on bag for a trip that lasts weeks, while others need to check a bag for a weekend getaway. Packing light has its advantages, like making it easy to maneuver in crowded places and avoiding checked baggage fees; to learn how to pack light, see our article, Tips for Traveling Light.

Remember carry-on restrictions if you don’t plan to check your bags. Many airline travelers strive to pack everything into a single carry-on bag to avoid the expense and hassle of checking a bag. If this is your goal, then pay close attention to luggage dimensions. Most airlines allow carry-on bags no larger than 45 linear inches when adding the length, width and height. For instance, a bag that’s 22 inches x 14 inches x 9 inches totals 45 inches. Rules can change, and sometimes vary by airline, so be sure to check with your airline about size limits (or other baggage regulations) before departure.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Dehydrating Food: Is It Good for You?

Dehydrating Food: Is It Good for You?

Dehydration is one of the oldest methods of preserving food. While our ancestors relied on the sun to dry food, today we have commercial equipment and home appliances that can remove bacteria-forming moisture. This process preserves food for much longer than its ordinary shelf life.

Dehydrated foods can be a healthier alternative to many snacks, and you can add them to salads, oatmeal, baked goods, and smoothies. Because they rehydrate in liquid, they’re also easy to use in recipes.

Dehydrated foods keep their nutritional value. As a lightweight, nutrient-dense option, dehydrated foods are a go-to for hikers and travelers looking to save space.

Almost anything can be dehydrated. Some common food items made with dehydration include:

Fruit leather made from apples, berries, dates, and other fruits

Soup mixes made of dehydrated o nions, carrots, mushrooms, and other vegetables

H erbs dehydrated for a longer shelf life

Homemade potato, kale, banana, beet s, and apple chips

Powdered lemon, lime, or orange peel used in teas, alcoholic beverages, and other recipes

You can dehydrate your own fruits, vegetables, herbs, and even meat in an oven or specialty food dehydrator or fruit dehydrator. Many dehydrated foods are available in stores as well, though watch out for added ingredients like sodium, sugar, or oils.

Nutrition Information

The dehydrating process retains a food’s original nutritional value. For example, apple chips will have the same calorie, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, and sugar content as the fresh fruit.

However, because dried food loses its water content, it’s usually smaller in size and has more calories by weight. Keep your portions of dehydrated foods smaller than what&39;s recommended for the unprocessed food to avoid overeating.

Dehydrated food also retains:

Essential fatty a cids



Most vitamins


Dehydrated foods also maintain their nutrients for much longer than their fresh counterparts, even the dried meat processed by meat dryer. Research shows that fresh produce loses its vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content within a few days of refrigeration — with reductions as high as 50% for some nutrients.

Potential Health Benefits of Dehydrated Food

Dehydrating food can save you money, reduce food waste, and speed up your cooking. You can also add seasoning or spices to food as you dry it, stocking your kitchen with healthy, easily portable snacks.

Research suggests that dehydrated foods may have other benefits, including:

Reduced Risk of Cancer

Dried fruits and vegetables could play a role in reducing the risk of some cancers, including pancreatic, stomach, bladder, and prostate. While research is ongoing, scientists think the drying process activates chemicals in foods that help prevent cell damage linked to cancer.

Improved Digestion

Studies show that dehydration increases the fiber content in fruits and vegetables. Dietary fiber is essential to maintaining your digestive system, and getting enough in your diet can prevent constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and potentially colorectal cancer.

Increased Energy

Because the dehydration process withStainless Steel Food Dehydrator concentrates calorie and sugar content, dried foods can offer a more effective energy boost than other snacks. Research shows that nutrients in dehydrated food are also more easily absorbed by our bodies, helping you feel more energized for longer.

Lower Risk of Food Poisoning

The mold, yeast, and bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses need water to form. Research shows that dehydrating food can reduce the risk from most common bacteria and possibly other disease-causing microorganisms. However, the way dehydrated food is stored may also affect its safety, and more research is needed to study the full range of foodborne contaminants.

Better Nutrition

When properly stored, most dehydrated foods have a shelf life of several years and take up little space. Because they rehydrate in liquid, they’re an easy way to add extra nutrients to meals like soups, casseroles, and stir-fries.

This preservation also gives you access to food even when it’s out of season. You can add a larger variety of nutritional foods to your diet year-round, which research says promotes better health and reduces the risk of diseases.

Potential Risks of Dehydrated Foods

Dehydrated foods can be a rich source of vitamins and minerals, but their calories and sugar are concentrated as well. Because the serving sizes are so much smaller after dehydration, it can be easy to overeat dehydrated food.

Moderate your portions when eating dehydrated food and consider the following possible disadvantages:

Unwanted Weight Gain

Dehydrated foods have a higher calorie content by weight and can be high in sodium and sugars, depending on the food. In excess, these nutrients can cause weight gain and increase your risk of obesity, heart problems, and diabetes.

Vitamin Deficiencies

While most nutrients remain unchanged after dehydration, vitamins A and C may be reduced or destroyed. Depending on the method used, dehydration can also reduce B vitamins and some minerals. Make sure to get these nutrients from other sources to avoid vitamin deficiencies.


According to research studies, we get about 20%-30% of our daily water intake from food. Staying hydrated aids in digestion, blood pressure management, joint health, and flushing bacteria from your body.

By dehydrating food, we remove its water content — and studies show most people already don’t drink enough water, so dehydration is a risk. And also, food slicer or meat slicer can made it more easy to buy and store in daily life.

Medication Interference

Dehydrated foods have concentrated amounts of many vitamins and minerals, but high levels of some nutrients can interact with certain medications.

For example, kale chips are packed with vitamin K, which promotes heart health but counteracts medications like blood thinners. Talk to your doctor about what nutrients you should manage in your diet before powering up your food dehydrator.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Why Wall Art Matters Most In Interior Design

Why Wall Art Matters Most In Interior Design

Too often in interior paint design, we see wall art treated as an afterthought. It’s what gets dealt with last, long after the final coat of paint has dried on the walls and all of the furniture has been artfully arranged, if it gets dealt with at all.But, we’re here to argue that by relegating wall art to the side lines, you’re missing out on an amazing design opportunity. When chosen thoughtfully, the right wall art can provide for the entire room. Dare we say it, but we think wall art matters most in interior design.However, if you’re a little nervous to give wall art such a prominent role in your design plans, don’t worry. Use this post as a guide on how to accurately choose pieces that will mesh with your existing space and you will have a harmonious interior.

It Provides An Instant Color Palette

Choosing a color palette can be one of the most daunting facets of designing your interiors using industrial paint. The amount of varying shades of paint that are available at your local home improvement store can seem absolutely endless.  It can be difficult to narrow down the possibilities into the colors that best fit your vision for the space.Our best advice is to leave the paint chips behind and focus on searching for wall art instead. Once you find a painting or wall hanging that you absolutely love, you can use that piece as the inspiration for your your room’s eventual color palette.Your first step is to pick out two or three shades from wall art that you’d like to incorporate into your decor. Choose the dominant color, as well as a few additional shades that you’d like to pull out as accents. Then, look for those colors in the items you use to decorate your space. If you need extra help, you can use an app like ColorSnap, which will let you match those colors to corresponding shades of paint.

It Creates A Focal Point

One of the the most basic principals of interior paint design is that every room needs a focal point, or a single design element that will instantly draw the eye into the space and give the viewer a sense of what to expect. It goes without saying that a great piece of wall art could easily fulfill this position.Imagine your favorite artwork hanging above the mantle of a fireplace in your living space or standing proudly above the bed in your master suite. Alternatively, a creative gallery wall could easily spice up a more traditional dining area or a few hanging tapestries could as a cozy feel to a seating area.When choosing a piece of wall art to be a focal point for your space, the most important consideration is size. An artwork that is too small will get dwarfed by the surrounding furniture and a piece that is too big will look as though it is spilling over. Make sure to take measurements of the wall space available, so you know how much room you have at your disposal.

It Brings A Sense Of Texture

Remember that not all wall art is created equal. While some pieces may be two-dimensional paintings or something similar, you should try to find art in a variety of different mediums to help bring a varying sense of texture into the space.In addition to paintings and prints, you should consider pieces like sculptures or shadow boxes that can add some depth to the room. If your style is more avant garde, you could also consider doing a small mixed media installation that includes screens and digital art.These extra bits of texture can help add much needed visual weight to your interiors, which which help determine the tone of the room or how it feels. Consider that rough textures are more likely to make a space feel intimate and grounded while smooth textures bring a sleeker more aloof tone to the room.

It Makes The Room Appear Finished

Think about some of the less-than-put-together interiors that you’ve seen. Perhaps a college apartment or a first adult space after finishing school. Odds are that these spaces felt a little rough around the edges and a little unfinished. Odds are that they also had mostly white walls.Wall art is that finishing element that can help pull a space together and make it feel complete. It is that little extra touch that can take your space from simply looking functional to appearing as if it should grace the pages of an interior design magazine.The key is to choose a piece of art or another wall hanging that fits in with the decorating style that you’ve already chosen for the room. After that, it’s all about choosing decor that you love and will be happy seeing hang on your wall for many years to come.

Wall art doesn’t have to be the last piece of the puzzle when you’re decorating a new space. In fact, it shouldn’t be. In our minds, wall art is most important when it comes to interior design, or home decoration paint. This is because when it’s used properly, your wall hangings can provide an excellent framework around which you should be able to plan the rest of the room. Take the above post as a guide for how to properly select and incorporate wall art into your interiors and you’ll end up with a design that looks like it was professionally put together.How much importance do you put on wall art when decorating a room? At what point in your design process do you usually select your art? Let us know in the comments below.


That’s the first thing you and I would think of, right? Heck, one probably isn’t even thinking about the types of paints and finishes at this point. So, we’ll come to that later. Because narrowing down to your choice of colour is not an easy decision. Even if you do have, for instance, bedroom paint ideas in mind, you will always have those doubts clouding your mind. But fret not, we’ve got just the tips to help you out:

1. Decorate first.

… In case your house is new. And if remodelling, then just look at your existing decor for inspiration. You will either find a piece — an Ikat cushion cover, a hand-painted vase or a Madhubani painting — that catches your attention and guides you. Or you may want a wall paint colour that blends well with your block-printed curtains or your brand new sofa set. Finding a colour to match your decor is far easier (and cheaper!) than finding fabrics, furniture and furnishings to match your wall colours.

2. Look for more inspiration.

Get that mind working! Browse through pictures of beautiful homes online or in magazines, and you’re bound to get more painting ideas for house colours. In fact, did you know that almost all paint companies — whether AsianPaints, Dulux or Berger — have their own colour visualisation tools and apps? These help you experiment with colours online before you buy the paint, like acrylic industrial paint, metal paint, epoxy paint, etc.

3. Understand the colour wheel.

You’re probably thinking why on earth would you need to know that! Well, it isn’t crucial but understanding the basic principles of the colour wheel will only be of additional help, especially in deciding secondary colours. Here’s a quick 1-minute tutorial:

Similar/Analogous: Ideally, the colours adjacent to each other on the wheel blend in well and look the most harmonious. For example, red-orange, orange-yellow, yellow-green etc.

Complementary: The colours opposite each other on the colour wheel are most complementary to create a vibrant look. For example, orange and blue, yellow and purple etc. Just be careful to use one as a dominant colour and the other subtle, so that you don’t end up with a jarring result.

Monochromatic: This scheme uses hues of one basic colour for a calming effect. For instance, you may opt for a pale red wall and darker red window trims. All paint companies have their own colour strips that display an entire range of values of any particular colour.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

How does a chainsaw work?

How does a chainsaw work?

What is a chainsaw?

The clue is in the name! A chainsaw has two main parts: a saw blade built into a chain, wrapped around a long metal guide bar, and a small, one-cylinder gasoline (petrol) engine (sometimes an electric motor powered by a cord or battery pack). The chain is a bit like a bicycle chain, running around sprockets (gear wheels designed to turn a chain) only with about 30 or so sharp teeth (made from a hardened steel alloy) mounted around it at intervals. Inside the engine, as the piston moves in and out of the cylinder, it pushes a connecting rod that turns a crankshaft. The crankshaft turns gears that are connected (through a centrifugal clutch, explained below) to one of the sprockets on which the chain is mounted—and the chain spins around.

What happens inside a chainsaw?

Yes, crudely speaking, that's what a chainsaw does: in scientific terms, it converts the chemical energy locked in gasoline into mechanical energy you can use to "do work," turning a tree into logs, sawdust, noise, and heat. Here's a very simplified explanation:

The fuel you put in a chainsaw's gas tank contains, in chemical form, all the energy you'll consume cutting down and chopping up logs. To keep it nice and light, a typical chainsaw tank holds just 0.5 liters (1.1 US liquid pints) of gas (a car's gas tank holds maybe 45–55 liters or 12–15 US liquid gallons, which is roughly 100 times more).

The fuel feeds through a carburetor to mix it with air.

The air-fuel mixture passes into a cylinder, which works much like the ones in a car engine but with only a simple push-pull (two-stroke) action instead of the more complex (four-stroke) cycle used in a car. Inside the cylinder, the air-fuel mix is ignited by a spark (sparking) plug, burns, releases its energy, and pushes a piston back and forth. The piston in a chainsaw engine has a bore (diameter) of about 45mm (1.75 in) and a stroke (traveling distance) of about 33mm (1.3 inches)—so it's less than half the size of a typical car engine piston and moves only half as far.

A connecting rod and crank convert the back and forth motion of the piston to rotary motion.

A drive shaft takes power to the centrifugal clutch.

A chainsaw engine runs all the time, but you don't want the chain spinning unless you're actually cutting wood, like using it as a brush cutter machine: that's dangerous and it wastes energy. The clutch solves this problem. As explained in more detail below, the centrifugal clutch connects the engine and the chain when the engine speed is fast (when the operator pulls on the throttle) and stops the chain from spinning when the engine speed is low (when the chainsaw is just idling).

Gears carry power from the clutch to the sprocket that holds the chain.

The chain spins around the edge of a long-steel plate called the guide bar, spitting out wood dust as it goes!

Advantages and disadvantages of chainsaws


The main advantage of using a chainsaw(like when used as a hedge trimmer)—speed—is fairly obvious. It would be hard to spend an entire day chopping your way through a forest with a handsaw, but you could certainly do that with a chainsaw.

A little crude math shows why a chainsaw is maybe 5–10 times quicker than an ordinary hand saw. Think how many planks of wood you could make from a single, trimmed tree trunk: maybe ten or fifteen? Now think how laborious it is to saw through a single plank with a handsaw; cutting through an entire tree is going to take you at least 10 times as long, assuming you don't run out of energy or melt your saw blade first.

Let's try a more sophisticated estimate. Suppose you have a tree that is 30cm (roughly 1ft) in diameter and a chainsaw that makes a cut of 0.5mm (0.02in) into the wood with each pass of the chain. That means the chain needs to pass through the wood 600 times (30cm = 300mm and it takes two chain passes to remove each mm). If you're using a powerful chainsaw with a rotational speed of about 2800rpm (call it 3000rpm to make the math easy), the chain will (theoretically) make 600 passes in just 20 seconds. In practice, it'll take somewhat longer. Let's say a minute.

How long would it take with a handsaw? Suppose your saw has teeth the same size as the chainsaw's and suppose it's roughly the same length as the chainsaw (and therefore half as long as the chain). You still need to make those 600 passes through the wood. Maybe you're superhuman: suppose you can make one complete pass of the saw each second and keep up that pace constantly. Then it's still going to take, as a minimum, 600 seconds—or 10 minutes. In practice, it's going to take quite a bit longer as you get tired, as the saw slips out of its groove from time to time, and so on. These are only guesstimate, back-of-envelope calculations—but you get the idea: using a chainsaw is certainly several times faster (and probably 5–10 times faster) than using a good handsaw.


The two biggest drawbacks of chainsaws are safety and maintenance. Although chainsaws can be used by any fairly strong adult (after suitable training) and many practical uses like earth auger, they are nevertheless inherently dangerous. (I have the manual for a Stihl MS270 chainsaw open beside me as I write this and it's interesting to note that about 16 of the 64 pages—fully a quarter of the text—is devoted to warnings and safety precautions.) The biggest risk comes from a problem called kickback, where the chain catches on something but the engine keeps turning, so the whole saw flies up and backward toward your head (think action and reaction—Newton's third law of motion), potentially causing fatal injuries. Chainsaw helmets with visors offer some protection; so too do chainsaw uniforms (made from synthetic fibers such as nylon, which snag up the chainsaw teeth and bring the machine quickly to a halt).

The other big problem with chainsaws is the amount of maintenance they need. A handsaw is delightfully maintenance free: the sawdust you produce simply falls out of the groove you're making. In a chainsaw, the super-fine dust can get caught up in the mechanism and mix with the chain's lubricating oil to make a gungy mess that has to be cleaned out regularly. Again, looking at the manual for the Stihl MS270, it's interesting to see there's a full-page chart spelling out a couple of dozen different checks and maintenance jobs you have to do before starting work each day, or on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis thereafter. So while it's true to saw that chainsaws save you time in the actual chopping of wood, some of that time is, unfortunately, lost in maintenance!
Dien Dan Rao Vat

What is oxygen plant?

What is oxygen plant?

Constant and Readily Available Supply

The Medical oxygen Plant allows users to generate their own oxygen for their medical-grade requirements like EMS (Emergency Medical Services), Ambulance, Fire Departments, Small Hospitals, Clinics, Nursing Homes, Veterinary & Animal Hospitals, Dental labs and SCUBA applications. The plant has inbuilt oxygen cylinder filling plant that uses Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology.

Plant is mounted over platform and acquires less space, only a simple mounting of plant, and plugging it in to a standard electrical outlet, you can generate your own medical-grade oxygen to fill your own cylinders on-site. Within minutes, you can have emergency oxygen available for any increase in unexpected demand. Never run out of oxygen ever again!

Quality and Safety Designed

The plants may be small, but don’t let the little size fool you! The Plants contains a rich history of using the highest level of manufacturing engineering expertise in its design. Theplants are self-contained and operates very quietly. These quality components all work together to regulate the flow of oxygen cleanly and safely throughout operation. Oxygen plants are designed to run automatically and requires little or no maintenance once it is up and running. With a digital color touch screen display, the unit shows all the information required to monitor the manufacturing process of oxygen. system performs a continuous series of self-diagnostic tests as it runs. Should an issue arise such as drop in oxygen purity; the plant will automatically shut down and display a visual alarm on screen. There is an optional audible alarm available as well.

Fast Payback and ROI

This is one purchase you make that can truly pay for itself! The plants are  economically priced so that you can realize a fast payback usually within a year or two. You can fill an H size (6M3 size) cylinder for 6 KWH cost.

These plants are designed to be shipped in standard 20 or 40-foot ocean containers for worldwide transit. On-site commissioning & training is available from our Technician. Electrical power and an enclosure for the plant are all that is required at the customer’s site to get started.

Easily Operated and Maintained

Hi-Tech’s Oxygen Generators Can be operated and maintained without extensive technical knowledge or training. our easy to follow manuals, videos and on-site training will enable your staff to properly calibrate and maintain the whole system. Routine maintenance is limited to normal air compressor upkeep and periodic cleaning and replacement of filter elements only.

An air separation plant separates atmospheric air into its primary components, typically nitrogen and oxygen, and sometimes also argon and other rare inert gases.

The most common method for air separation is fractional distillation. Cryogenic liquid air separation plant units (ASUs) are built to provide nitrogen or oxygen and often co-produce argon. Other methods such as membrane, pressure swing adsorption (PSA) and vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) are commercially used to separate a single component from ordinary air. High purity oxygen, nitrogen, and argon, used for semiconductor device fabrication, require cryogenic distillation. Similarly, the only viable source of the rare gases neon, krypton, and xenon is the distillation of air using at least two distillation columns.

Acetylene gas plants are units where acetylene gas production is carried out. At the plant, acetylene is produced either through a chemical reaction or cracking process. Acetylene has a number of applications across industries, especially in sectors such as chemical, oil & gas, and polymer.

About Acetylene Plants

Over the years, acetylene gas plant designs have changed and evolved with the incorporation of technology and automation. With the need to mitigate risk and prevent hazards, they are deigned to meet the required safety standards and certifications such as NPFA. Acetylene cylinders use acetone in the porous mass to store 25 times more acetylene gas in them (known as acetoning acetylene gas). If the acetylene is removed from the cylinder too fast acetone will be removed with the gas. Therefore, the acetone will have to be checked after each use, when returned to the filler. In general, you can run up to three batches of acetylene production in a plant on a daily basis, with one batch of about eight hours.
Dien Dan Rao Vat

Ứng dụng của bơm định lượng ITC

ITC đc ra đời vào năm 1988 và chủ yếu sản xuất máy bơm định lượng và định lượng 1 số thiết bị kiểm soát. Nó đc đặt tại Tây Ban Nha. Sự phong phú của một số sản phẩm được lớn mạnh bởi ITC, bao gồm cả bơm định lượng 1-3200 l / h, trộn bột, bộ điều khiển và cảm biến cho chất lượng cao nước, cho phép thỏa mãn ý muốn cho một số ứng dụng xử lý nước trong nhà máy xử lý nước thải, uống nhà xưởng xử lý nước, 1 vài quy trình công nghiệp, công nghiệp thực phẩm, cảnh quan và nông nghiệp. Máy bơm điện định lượng đối với 1 số mẫu khác nhau, từ 2,5 l / h đến 2000 lít / h, áp suất tối đa lên đến 20 bar.Màng và piston bơm thiết kế đặc biệt cho 1 vài định lượng của toàn bộ vài dòng sản phẩm hàng hóa hóa vật liệu có tính ăn mòn, độc hại, có độ nhớt cao, cho một vài ứng dụng xử lý nước, quy trình công nghiệp, lĩnh vực công nghiệp hóa dầu và nông nghiệp.
Công ty Vimex chuyên cung cấp các dòng bơm công nghiệp, nếu quan tâm bạn có thể tìm hiểu thêm về bơm khuấy trộn. Cam kết giá tốt, giao hàng tận nơi, sản phẩm chính hãng
Bơm định lượng là một loại máy bơm có thể tích lưu lượng nhỏ. Bơm được thiết kế để bơm hóa chất, hoặc bất kỳ chất lỏng nào vào trong nước với một tốc độ chính xác nhờ bơm tự động hoặc có thể vận hành bằng tay trong một số trường hợp.
[Image: bom-dinh-luong-hoa-chat.png]
cấu tạo cơ bản của máy bơm định lượng ITC
  • tương tự như một vài mẫu máy bơm bình thường , máy bơm định lượng có cấu trúc gồm đầu bơm và động cơ. Chất lỏng đi vào trong đầu bơm thông qua hệ thống ống vào, và đi ra bên đầu thoát của bơm. Động cơ sử dụng tại nơi đây là khí nén hay là động cơ điện.
  • Mỗi máy bơm định lượng đều có nút điều chỉnh lưu lượng bơm, có hai dòng điều khiển máy bơm định lượng là bằng cơ hoặc điện tử.
  • Máy bơm định lượng cực kỳ dễ bị rách màng bơm do phải dùng áp suất lớn để bơm, linh kiện để thay thế cho màng bơm phải gọi điện với doanh nghiệp sản xuất để đảm bảo về chất lượng cao .
  • Mỗi máy bơm là một kết cấu khác nhau, có nhiều bản thiết kế để phù hợp với khả năng từng dòng chất lỏng mà máy bơm phải bơm, cam kết vai trò hoạt động chuẩn xác như theo yêu cầu.
Nếu có nhu cầu tìm hiểu thêm về máy bơm hóa chất, mời bạn theo click vào bài viết.
Nguyên lý hoạt động của máy bơm định lượng ITC
Nguyên lý hoạt động của máy bơm định lượng hết sức đơn giản và dễ hiểu bao gồm một vài quá trình sau: giai đoạn tự mồi chất bơm, công đoạn hút chất bơm, công đoạn đẩy chất bơm và quy trình điều chỉnh lưu lượng bơm. một vài quy trình trong nguyên lý hoạt động liên tiếp và tuần hoàn với nhau để đảm bảo chiếc máy bơm vận hành êm ái, hoàn chỉnh.
  • Quy trình tự mồi bơm: đây là quy trình số một , các chất bơm đc đẩy vào vào trong buồng bơm mồi cho tới lúc đầy và đc bổ sung liên tiếp trong công đoạn bơm.
  • Quy trình hút chất lỏng: Tại quy trình này chất lỏng được hút vào nhờ van một chiều ống hút, khi này van một chiều ở cổng đóng lại.
  • Quy trình đẩy chất lỏng: lúc này van một chiều ở cổng mở ra, van một chiều ở ống hút đóng lại, tạo áp lực đẩy chất lỏng ra ngoài.
  • Quy trình điều chỉnh lưu lượng chất bơm: công đoạn định lượng chất lỏng bơm ra có thể được điều chỉnh thủ công hoặc tự động tùy vào mẫu máy bơm khác nhau. Với máy bơm auto thì có thêm bộ phận cảm biến giúp thông báo lưu lượng bơm và tình trạng bơm về trạm điều khiển để quản lý việc bơm chủ động và thuận lợi hơn Cách điều chỉnh thủ công.’
Ứng dụng của bơm định lượng ITC|
  • Ứng dụng bơm hóa chất trong lĩnh vực công nghiệp hóa chất
  • Ứng dụng bơm hóa chất clo trong lĩnh vực xử lý nước sạch
  • Ứng dụng bơm hóa chất trong nghiên cứu khoa học và trong phòng thí nghiệm
  • Ứng dụng bơm vài mẫu hóa chất có tính ăn mòn và mài mòn cao, một vài dòng hóa chất độc hại, axit, bazo, xút, dung môi,…
  • Ứng dụng bơm sơn đặc, keo đặc, mực in ấn, bơm bùn, bơm thủy tinh lỏng
  • Ứng dụng bơm dầu cá, rỉ mật, nhựa đường nhựa nóng
  • Ứng dụng trong y học, dược phẩm, bơm thực phẩm: rượu, bia, bánh kẹo, nước ngọt,…
  • Ứng dụng bơm chất tẩy rửa chống cáu cặn.
  • Ứng dụng bơm hóa chất cho cung ứng , bột giấy.
  • Ứng dụng bơm chất trợ nghiền xi măng.
  • Ứng dụng bơm trong phân phối dược liệu.
Ngoài ra, Vinmex cũng cung cấp thông tin về bơm bánh răng kcb33.3
công ty TNHH Vimex chuyên cung cấp các mẫu sản phẩm hàng hóa máy bơm định lượng với chất lượng và giá bán ganh đua nhất. Chúng tôi đảm bảo chỉ bán sản phẩm chất lượng tốt, bảo hành kĩ càng , giao hàng chuyên nghiệp tới đến người dùng . Quý khách có mong muốn sử dụng hàng hóa do công ty chúng tôi cung cấp xin hân hạnh liên lạc ngay Vimex 0989775196 để được hỗ trợ và tham mưu đặt hàng.
Dien Dan Rao Vat