6 nutrients that a 2-month pregnant mother should eat ~ DIỄN ĐÀN RAO VẶT

Monday, March 22, 2021

6 nutrients that a 2-month pregnant mother should eat

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When the slot xo mother realized she was pregnant In addition to the excitement that is more every day. Something that needs to be very important. Is food to eat Mothers are beginning to pay attention to the nutrients that the body should receive during pregnancy. Let's see what kind of nutrients during the period of 2 months of pregnancy. And those nutrients are rich in any kind of food. Let's go and see.

1. Folic Acid - Folic acid.

During the 2 months of pregnancy, the slot xo body must be continually fed with folic acid. Because this nutrient can help prevent disability in babies. It also helps the neural tube construction of embryos aged 28 days after fertilization is effective. Foods rich in folic acid include eggs, almonds, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, fruits and dried fruits.

2.Iron - Iron

Iron is very important for a 2-month pregnancy. This is the time when the mother's body needs good and efficient blood circulation. It also helps prevent morning sickness and body fatigue. For foods rich in nutrients like iron, including liver, fish, meat, chicken, beetroot, spinach, and dried fruits.

3.Calcium - Calcium

In the period of pregnancy Especially at the age of 2 months, your mother's body should receive about 1,000 - 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day because calcium helps build strong bones. The baby's bones begin to build in the 2 month gestation period. Calcium also reduces the chances of developing osteoporosis in mothers. Because pregnancy will take calcium from the mother Therefore, it is recommended that mothers drink milk. And eat various types of green leafy vegetables Including lettuce and cabbage

4.Proteins - proteins

Protein is a nutrient that is very good for a 2 month pregnant mother. Especially during this period of pregnancy Your body needs to get at least 75 grams of protein per day, and pregnant mothers need to be careful with certain high-protein foods as well. Which should not be eaten in large quantities Because it can result in the unborn child having a protein allergy The recommended protein foods are chicken, eggs, meat, fish, milk, and nuts.Avoid deep-sea fish like eagles, sharks, and oysters, as they are high in mercury.

5. Fats - Fat

The fats that a 2-month-pregnant mother should eat is good fats such as omega-3 because this type of fat helps promote brain development. And visual development The food that is rich in omega-3 are nuts, fish, seafood and a variety of seafood.

6.Fiber - Fiber

Fiber contributes to the excretory function. And helps prevent constipation in pregnant mothers as well Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant mothers eat foods rich in fiber. Whether it's vegetables, fruits, or whole grains When pregnant mothers know the type of nutrients that the body should be able to get during the 2 months of pregnancy. It should pay more attention to foods that should be avoided as well. Which foods should not be eaten during pregnancy during this period is Deep-fried and spicy foods, as this can lead to severe heartburn. More importantly, keep drinking water frequently. Including eating light meals To reduce the symptoms of morning sickness
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